License and renewal

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License and renewal

Post by kellysensei »

My current teaching license (in the US) states that it expires in June 2022. However, all educators in my state were given an automatic 1-year extension, which is noted on my state's department of education web site but which is NOT reflected in the PDF of the license. Will a potential school pass me over because it appears - falsely - that my license expires halfway through an initial contract, or is this just something I can explain at an interview?

Also, how does everyone renew their US (or British, or Australian, etc.) teaching license while overseas? I know my first time will be straightforward, because I'll submit all the clock hours I need before I move overseas and all that will be left is to pay the renewal fee when the time comes. But after that, when I won't have any clock hours in the US...?
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Re: License and renewal

Post by sid »

Most US educators overseas earn graduate credits to satisfy the requirements. You can either take a real course through an accredited US university, or attend a conference that offers credits for completing a small additional assignment.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Your credential expires on the inscription of the expiration on the certificate. A website reference is unlikely to be sufficient. You should clarify with your DOE if the extension applied to all edus and not just edus whose credentials were set to expire in the year of the extension.
ISs generally arent concerned either way with renewal of a certificate midway through a contract.
You should consider obtaining QTS from the UK (England) this credential has lifetime validity and does not require renewal or the obtainment of PD. If you were academically prepared in your teaching subject obtaining QTS would allow you to drop the US credential in its entirety.
The other option is to transition your current credential to a state such as NJ, CA, WA or possibly the MO credentials.
NJ offers a true lifetime teaching credential.
CA is 5 years but doesnt require PD to renew (CA is the gold standard in the US NC for IE)
WA offers a 2 year but effectively lifetime credential thats less work.
MO offers a 99 year credential but if you qualify for it you pretty much meet the requirements for the NJ credential.

It depends on your DOE, some are very flexible in what counts for PD, some very rigid. Accredited (they may need not be from US Unis) Uni courses (they may not have to be at the graduate level) are generally acceptable. UPe offers graduate courses in a M.Ed program at USD$200/course.
Beyond that ,DOEs vary what they will accept, with PD such as IB workshops, and the like more commonly accepted and activities such as IS PD generally wont be.
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Re: Response

Post by kellysensei »

PsyGuy wrote:
> Your credential expires on the inscription of the expiration on the
> certificate. A website reference is unlikely to be sufficient. You should
> clarify with your DOE if the extension applied to all edus and not just
> edus whose credentials were set to expire in the year of the extension.
> ISs generally arent concerned either way with renewal of a certificate
> midway through a contract.

I already clarified last year. My license definitely expires in 2023, even though it says 2022. I'll have to call the department of education to see if they can "fix" it on my license. Good news that it shouldn't cause me trouble in terms of getting hired, though!
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Post by PsyGuy »


Your going to have to contact your DOE and get them to update it to the correct expiration date.

Re: License and renewal

Post by Illiane_Blues »

"My license definitely expires in 2023, even though it says 2022. I'll have to call the Department of Education to see if they can "fix" it on my license."

"Your going to have to contact your DOE and get them to update it to the correct expiration date."

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