Most Marketable Specialization for Music Teachers?

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Most Marketable Specialization for Music Teachers?

Post by nycgtr »

I get that this a pretty niche series of questions.

I'm a music teacher currently teaching k-8 general music in the states. I'm going to be pursuing state certification next year, with the hope of going abroad (ideally to non-china Asia, in a Middle or High School teaching position) the following year.

I'm going to be meeting with my graduate advisor soon, and in addition to picking up general music, voice production and choral conducting classes, have access to string, wind and brass method classes, with the corresponding large ensemble conducting class (orchestra for strings, band for winds/brass).

The program I'm attending is designed to give you an appealing skillset and network for getting hired at a NYC department of education school with an established music program, or if you essentially win the lottery a public school in the suburbs.

Pragmatically, the choice is going to either be specializing in low strings (eg: getting cello or bass up the level of a good 11th grader, and being able to play the other strings like a middle schooler) and orchestra or low brass (getting tuba or euphonium up to the level of a good 11th grader and learning to play the other wind and brass instruments like an elementary schooler, because there are significantly more).

My undergrad degree is in jazz guitar, and I spent my first 4 years out of college performing professionally and teaching privately.

In school music programs in the US the jazz program is often bundled in with the band program (unless the school has the resources and motivation to make it its own part of the department), and if that's the case at most IS's to me that's a compelling reason to go for band instruments (as I have significant real world experience to bring into the classroom, and a background in teaching improvised music at a high level). I also played tuba through my freshman year of college, and am confidant I can pick it back up, decently.

But, my gut is telling me string programs may be larger (in NY schools they are often bigger, or in NYC the only instrument family offered because they are significantly cheaper), and with the classes available to me, I am confidant I can get the low strings to a decent level (high strings less so--because they are HARD).

Does anyone have any idea on which family would have more vacancies, or generally, what the subject specializations and skill-sets good IS's prefer in a music teacher, aside from general music (voice, fretted instruments, music tech/history) experience and experience with student-centered instruction?

From looking--it seems like the GREAT schools have choir, orchestra and band (as well as everything else under the sun), but as far as the middle tier schools go, is one more common than the other?

Or, if you have any other information you can share about music instruction in international education, I'd really appreciate it.

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Post by PsyGuy »

Strings (specifically violin) is the most marketable instructional instrumental, but its about even with choral. The students that are really into music will have their own OST tutors, etc. The real utility value is in recitals and productions. Thats what parents see and experience. Have a portfolio of some great recitals and that has marketable utility, far more so then some list of instrument proficiency. To that end piano is the most crucial if youre tapped to the theater department or the primary IS play, etc.
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Re: Most Marketable Specialization for Music Teachers?

Post by nathan61 »

In American schools there are more band and choir positions out there in the world than orchestra positions. Choir skills would be the most marketable, as you can promote your choir teaching experience when applying to elementary or middle school general music positions, as well as choir positions. Band/choir positions are not uncommon at small schools. Guitar and singing ability would be a good skillset for middle school general music. Band might get you in the door somewhere. Orchestra is a very niche market, and top high school choir/orchestra/band positions would require teaching experience in those areas. So I'd say either band or choir, but if you love orchestra then do that.
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Re: Most Marketable Specialization for Music Teachers?

Post by nycgtr »

Appreciate your guys's perspectives.

For my graduate program, I do have to do 2 instrument families in addition to my primary instrument, so in addition to voice, it's looking like strings might be the way to go (half as many methods classes as band). I understand I'm not going to be getting a job as an orchestra teacher at a great high school, but I think I have a better chance of getting at least one string instrument to a decent enough level in the span of a year. NYS certification is K-12 doesn't specify your instrument--but teachers at good schools tend to pretty much teach the instrument family they studied in undergrad or have taught before.

I'm glad to hear that choral/MT experience and guitar sits well for middle school teaching, and am definitely gonna take some time to upgrade my keyboard skills.

I'm also going to try to get my winter concerts recorded this year, but using it in a portfolio might be tricky--NY has pretty strict guidelines requiring image/media consent in schools, and it's going to require a lot of paperwork with admin. It's tricky with large instrumental ensembles, because not getting image/media consent from 1 student whose in the video can keep you from using it and you can't require it if it's for say, a performance that's part of their music class grade.

Any idea of what exactly IS's look for in a portfolio? I have pretty good guidelines for work sampling in the US (2-3 complete student portfolios including tests, original compositions, concert reflections and a few writing assignments demonstrating growth over at least 1 semester--ideally matching defined grade level benchmarks).

Would an Orff or Dalcroze certification help in a significant way, or is it more of a nice-to-have?

Or, if there's any other info about what these programs tend to look like you could share, it would be awesome.

Thanks again.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Have someone else record the recitals and then get it from them, that way you didnt do it. If you cant do that just record the audio and put it against a static image of a recital or concert hall or a dynamic screen saver type slide show.

In addition to the standard stuff (teaching demo and mock interview) for a music teacher a personal performance piece and a recital/concert. If you can do piano/keyboard for the personal performance piece that would be ideal.

An Orff or Dalcroz certificate would have value if you were applying at some elite boarding IS (Switzerland), but unless youre at a large or top tier IS where you might interview with the HOD youre going to be interviewing with the principal and maybe an HR person or coordinator and they wont have any idea what those are if they are important and they are very likely not going to be important. Again, the real music prodigies are going to have their own OST tutors and coaches. If your teaching primary its mostly bells and recorders and some lite music theory (doe a deer a female deer, ray a drop of golden sun). Even at SLL (essentially DIP) you need some solid music theory and helping students with their submissions but your not expected to be a master in all instruments. Even students that are off to Julliard arent going to expect their upper secondary music IT to be a master. Its more important that you can play keyboard/piano for the primary school rendition of little shop of horrors and other attached accompaniments than having a broad repertoire of instrumental performance.

Youre over planning this based on the NYC market and not the significant majority of IE. Y, there are ISs that are at the level youre concerned with but for the most part your advanced degree in music and credential in music education with some nice portfolio pieces is as far as measuring your competency is going to go.

Re: Most Marketable Specialization for Music Teachers?

Post by Illiane_Blues »

> I'm also going to try to get my winter concerts recorded this year, but
> using it in a portfolio might be tricky--NY has pretty strict guidelines
> requiring image/media consent in schools, and it's going to require a lot
> of paperwork with admin. It's tricky with large instrumental ensembles,
> because not getting image/media consent from 1 student whose in the video
> can keep you from using it and you can't require it if it's for say, a
> performance that's part of their music class grade.

Does this also apply to recordings only used for your private portfolio, which is not in the public domain?
I know of at least one music teacher who taught in NY and has a recording of a concert in her portfolio and knowing her she didn't ask everyone's permission. If it's audio-only, students might be more inclined to give permission, but even with video I think no one will object if you explain only a few recruiters will get to see it.
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Re: Most Marketable Specialization for Music Teachers?

Post by secondplace »

Try to avoid any legal ambiguity. Yes, that makes life harder, but so be it.

Orff training could be looked upon well by the IB schools.
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Re: Most Marketable Specialization for Music Teachers?

Post by nycgtr »

"Does this also apply to recordings only used for your private portfolio, which is not in the public domain?
I know of at least one music teacher who taught in NY and has a recording of a concert in her portfolio and knowing her she didn't ask everyone's permission. If it's audio-only, students might be more inclined to give permission, but even with video I think no one will object if you explain only a few recruiters will get to see it."

I only know NYCDOE, charter and Archdiocese schools, but in those, yes.

You don't have to get permission for every recording, in most public schools you (and in some schools, the administration) get optional media release forms signed at the beginning of the school-year, and you can also require them to be signed to participate in after school programs. Some private and charter schools also require them in order to register at all. My plan is to talk to my admin at the beginning of the year about it, I'd imagine they're going to be supportive of it anyway.

Audio-only is ambiguous, because individual children/the school may or may not be identifiable, but in my opinion not worth the risk without signed releases, because why create unnecessary child-protection issues.

I don't think it's actually against the law, but it can create liability issues for the school and would 100% effect your admins willingness to give you a reference or a renew your contract, which on it's own is enough downside for me to want to avoid it.

"Orff training could be looked upon well by the IB schools."
Thanks, that's something good to think about.
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