Insurance Question

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Insurance Question

Post by edexpat »

Hi Everyone. I will be starting a new job over in the Middle East in August. Would it be a good idea to get some sort of insurance before I leave in the event of a medical emergency or getting fired? If so, can anyone recommend global insurance companies with reasonable prices. I know schools offer their own health insurance although other options may be a good idea. Also, are there any Teacher Unions for expatriates to join while they are overseas.
Thank you.
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Post by PsyGuy »

What would be the purpose of this insurance?

Your IS should be providing you some kind of medical insurance for emergencies as part of your OSH package, are they not?
If you get dismissed are you going to stay in the ME and just hang around, or would you be finding another appointment or job? If youre going to pack up and return to your HOR you probably dont need an independent insurance product. If youre going to backpack around the ME or Asia, or find an ESOL position, or your IS doesnt provide you any type of medical protection or insurance, than yes Id look into an insurance product.

Be advised however that the vast majority of products your going to find are going to be either short term tourist insurance products that are going to cover major emergency care and possibly medical evacuation. The second type i more for student travelers and backpacker, which can be comprehensive but they arent designed for routine medical and health care. They are meant for minor and major medical emergencies, you drink some bad water and need some ant-microbe treatment, or you need some stitches. Anything more serious and the insurance is going to ant to med-evac you back to your HOR for more long term care.
There are longer term insurance products but they are typically aimed at corporate or governmental organizations.
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Re: Insurance Question

Post by edexpat »

Thank you for your reply. Yes, they offer health insurance although it would be nice to have other options if needed.
There doesn't seem to be much out there in the way of long term insurance for international teachers as there are for large international corporations. Also, if you were to unexpectedly lose your job during the academic school year, it would be difficult to find another position immediately.
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Re: Insurance Question

Post by IE_sciteacher »

Having done three years in the middle east at a large international school the idea of needing secondary insurance seems excessive. If you are at a decent school you will have great insurance and access to very good private hospitals. You will be covered worldwide with the only concern is the USA is sometimes not covered. If you are American then you may want to investigate options for when you are home in summer.

Teacher unions are not a thing internationally. Some countries have labour laws that can be helpful, the ME is not one of those areas. You have your signed contract with various stipulations written into it. The better the school the better they will stick to said stipulations.

CIGNA and AETNA are two of the larger insurance companies that schools work with. I'm sure there are others too.
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Re: Insurance Question

Post by edexpat »

Very helpful information, thank you. Personally, I'd rather have options with good health insurance. I do know of someone who got quite sick while working overseas and paid out of pocket expenses to use the American Hospital in Dubai deciding not use the school's health care provider. I agree about the labor laws in the ME. I'll look into the school's coverage before August start date.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Assuming the ISs plan provided for a private hospital, the IT you referenced should have used that facility rather than the "American" hospital.
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Re: Insurance Question

Post by GrumblesMcGee »

Given the details you provided, I'd recommend looking into basic traveler's (i.e. tourist) insurance, which PsyGuy mentioned in his earlier reply.

You seem to be focused on "a medical emergency or getting fired." While the latter is a pretty stark (and self-defeating, I'd argue) thought to consider, it's reasonable to worry about potential gaps in coverage. When does it kick in? Will you be covered before you arrive (either by the school (unlikely), or by other insurance you already have)?

The upside to traveler's insurance is that it's relatively cheap and can cover you for more than just medical emergencies (e.g., it can cover you for travel-related mishaps like stolen luggage). The downside, as pointed out, is that it's really just meant for catastrophic circumstances with regard to medical coverage. But at least it provides a bridge until your new medical coverage goes into effect. As for worrying about getting fired, that's a bit odd. It's not like you're going to carry an extra insurance policy like a parachute. If something happens with your employment, you can always purchase additional insurance at that point.
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Re: Insurance Question

Post by booboo14 »

I have used IMG. You can tailor the policy to your needs and budget.
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Re: Insurance Question

Post by teachintl »

Just joined .. specificially for International Teachers. Hope this helps.
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Re: Insurance Question

Post by Smoko »

teachintl wrote:
> Just joined .. specificially for International Teachers.
> Hope this helps.

That looks incredibly scammy. Good luck!
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Re: Insurance Question

Post by teachintl »

Very reputable organization! Highly recommend their member services.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Agree with @smoko, looks scammy.
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Re: Insurance Question

Post by teachintl »

I can assure you it's NOT.. I am a current member. Just made a recommendation, that's all.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Just making an observation it looks scammy.

1) Its a Wordpress site.
2) The website lists a New York city location but theyre registered in Florida.
3) Theyve only existed for a month.
4) They arent underwritten by anyone.
5) Their basic membership at USD$75 basically pays their costs and gives you access to a forum. This forum is free, and at that price point thats the equivalent of Schrole membership and double that of TIE all for a forum.
6) They dont advertise the cost of the premier membership that includes the benefits.
7) Their "country delegates" program sounds like an MLM scheme.
8) Your a new member to this forum, and your only posts have been this topic.

How can you claim this organization is highly reputable when theyve been around for less than a month, unless youre affiliated with the organization? You couldnt even have assessed or made use of their benefits because that requires a membership period of 3 months (they havent been open for 3 months). What are you basing this reputation on, a forum, or some not bad customer/membership service, or youre the person on the receiving end of those contact (sales) messages when someone makes an inquiry?

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Re: Insurance Question

Post by teachintl »

I am not affilated with them just a Member. I have no idea where they are registered, not that I think that matters. I personally like the concept of having additional external support systems while working overseas. I just made a recommendation. Membership is voluntary.
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