How long can I delay signing a contract?

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How long can I delay signing a contract?

Post by interteach123 »

Once you're offered a contract, what is a reasonable amount of time to request before you accept/decline? I had a few interviews at once and want to see if I get other offers rather than just accepting the first.
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Post by PsyGuy »

A few hours to a few weeks. A couple days or weekend too a week is the most typical.
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Re: How long can I delay signing a contract?

Post by sid »

Our school typically offers five working days for Skype offers, and 24 hours in the context of a fair. Either can change depending on lots of factors.
If you want more time, ask for it. Most schools will be honest about whether your timeline is possible and they’ll try to work with you if possible. But if the school has three other great candidates lined up behind you, they will want a quick response. If they lose you, sad. If your delay causes them to lose other great candidates, that’s not ok.
Remember that if you say no, they have to bounce right up and move on with the search, just like you have to when a school says no. Giving up is not an option.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I concur with @Sid, either tell/suggest to them a timeline you would like or ask them how long you can take to consider.
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