Non-collaborative colleagues - advice?

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Non-collaborative colleagues - advice?

Post by zenteach »

What is your best advice for working with non-collaborative colleagues when you've tried to address it in the past and nothing changes?

Background...the role I am in requires me to directly work with someone who likes to do their own thing, without checking in with others on the team. While this might be fine in certain circumstances, these actions then directly impact my role and others on our team. I've attempted to have conversation with this person, however they get quite defensive and ultimately their behaviors have not changed. Our roles require us to collaborate, so there is no going around that.
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Re: Non-collaborative colleagues - advice?

Post by BRMC »

You say you and the other teacher are part of a larger team. If so, the problem is not yours alone to solve. Has your team discussed this issue (quite common by the way) and how it is impacting your team and student learning? Sounds like your team needs some "storming" to bring issues like this to the surface.

I'm assuming that this person shows up to meetings and agrees to do things. If so, another strategy is to ask all team members to bring something you all agreed to do (e.g., a math test you were all supposed to give). If people don't bring it, the whole team should talk about it.

Another thing to consider is that the teacher who is doing his own thing might not have the capabilities to do what you agreed upon (again, common).
fine dude
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Re: Non-collaborative colleagues - advice?

Post by fine dude »

You should move to a progressive school where folks do collaborate.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Its time to loop your leadership in, particularly whoever yours and this ITs direct report is if not for any other reason but to CYA yourself and your work group if the poo hits the fan.
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Re: Non-collaborative colleagues - advice?

Post by zenteach »

Thank you for the advice everyone. Good points. For the most part my school is very collaborative. I am only having these issues with this one person, and unfortunately it is the person I am to work closely with.

The issue did slightly get raised at one point, and the person did agree with a higher positioned boss-type that they agreed to work in a particular way. However they are still not doing what they said they were going to do in terms of collaboration.

PsyGuy, this person is part of a leadership team, so telling the higher positioned people does not exactly work. I also do not want to complain because I do not think the higher positioned people have time for this type of thing. From now on I will just address it with the person directly. I've realized the person is who they are, and I can only control the way I react to the situation.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Even leadership needs leadership at times. None of those defenses are going to be particularly effective such as "I do not think the higher positioned people have time for this type of thing", thats their call to make. Your goal is to shift that decision to them, so that you can wash your hands of it. Youre otherwise taking on this risk with no upside benefit.
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