Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about cre

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Re: Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about

Post by Walter »

Grumbler, you do seem to get a frisson out of your self-selection as the adult in the room on this board. As it happens, your opinion of whether I write or what I write is of no moment to me.
Now for the matter in hand. I have long taken exception to PsyGuy’s contemptuous, bullying ways, especially of women, but more troubling to me is the mendacity that runs like an open sewer through most of his contributions. (I say “most” because I recognize, as others do, that, if you want to find out about the teacher certification process in Burkina Faso, then there is no one better to perform the slog through Google.)
Dave has 9000+ posts on these pages – about 20% of all the contributions – and he sets himself up as the resident expert on all things concerning international education. So far so okay. If this is how Dave chooses to spend his waking hours, then that is entirely his business. What I object to is that, in order to bolster his credibility, his posts are riddled with deception.
Most obvious, of course, is the relentless trick of Dave’s Disappearing Data: “Only the data matters”; “This is what the data says”; “My posts are based on data”… only there is no data, just a few synapses twinkling faintly in Dave’s brain. I find much of this funny, to be honest, but what doesn’t amuse me at all are the various claims that Dave makes about his past and present experience that are designed to demonstrate to others that he really does know what he’s talking about.
If someone is so unhappy in his own skin that he has to use this forum to play “Second Life”, then I guess I should feel sorry for him, but the problem is that many people who read his contributions may be taken in by his claims and believe that they should give particular credence to his views on schools, administrators, the recruitment process and to his casual rejection of any of the moral principles that ought to govern a profession like ours. Dave’s opinions themselves are just that – individual perspectives – and can be listened to or laughed at. Where Dave crosses the line is by saying – implicitly or explicitly – these aren’t opinions; these are truths and his qualifications and experiences make them true. Except that the qualifications and experiences are fabrications. All of the claims about the doctorate, or DODEA or the admin job in Denmark, or the stealth appearance as a recruiter in SEARCH Melbourne – they’re all lies. And periodically I see it as my bounden duty to take a jab at him just to remind him that I know they are lies and to let others – perhaps less experienced readers of his stuff – know that they shouldn’t treat Dave as though he is Moses coming down from Mt Sinai clutching in his sticky paws the 10 Commandments of International Education..
Anonymous boards (pseudonymous boards, if we wish to be pedantic and pretentious, Grumbler) like this can be helpful and informative, but their inherent danger is that they can easily be monopolized by frauds and humbugs. I see it as my responsibility to expose people like Dave and will continue to do so.
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Re: Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about

Post by GrumblesMcGee »

I don't position myself as the adult here. And while I may agree with you as to PsyGuy's childish antics, I suggest you take a look in the mirror. Beyond calling me "Grumbler," your antics in the PsyGuy feud are reprehensible. You present yourself as a longtime leader and yet you think threatening and doxxing other educators is acceptable, adult behavior.

And for what? You make a solid case that PsyGuy does inafrustrating things and shouldn't be viewed as a credible expert. Welcome to the public sphere. If I were to threaten figures as you have every time I see them make fallacious arguments or overstate their expertise, I'd find myself dealing with a deep pile of restraining orders...at best.

You condemn him for the "casual rejection of any of the moral pricinpals that ought to govern" education because he, in your opinion, gives bad advice (sometimes), presents his opinion as fact, engages in dishonest argumentation, and exaggerates his expertise. While it's understandable that you'd push back, in what way does threatening to doxx someone if they don't refrain from participating in public dialogue or revealing personal information about them without their consent adhere to the "moral principles" of education?

I write this as someone who agrees with many of your critiques of PsyGuy, and yet I can say this with more confidence than I have in those underlying critiques: your behavior is far more disturbing than his, and you are far more of a threat to the integrity of IE than someone giving dubious advice. Why don't you unmask yourself and provide your full name and position, since you seem to think doxxing someone as a means to frame their "rightful" ethos is defensible behavior? I, for one, am far more interested in knowing who you are (and avoiding working for or with you) than I am in PsyGuy's name, credentials, or CV.

Oh, and by the way, it's not a crime (or even a tort) to assert (even if you're lying) in an online forum that you hold X degree, held a certain position, or attended a certain hiring fair. The same cannot be said for making specific comments about another person, disclosing private facts, threatening them with disclosure of private facts unless they comply with your wishes, claiming they are lying about their education, etc. Many of those actionable regardless of whether or not your information is accurate.

Brandeis said it best. The remedy for bad speech is more speech. Go ahead and shout him down whenever he says something you disagree with. It's kind of a traditional around here. But if you're getting so worked up about the thin chance that someone's going to base a major decision on one of his (debatable) lies or (possible) inflated claims of expertise, you're underestimating people. And if you think his possible violations of ethical standards justify your responses, you've already lost your way and should get out. Maybe finance or politics would suit you.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Its not true just because @Heliotrope agrees with it.


I do not post my opinions as fact.


Youve long taken exception because my writing is both accurate and reflects negatively on you and the rest of leadership/recruiters, thats why you made it up and continue to lie about knowing who I am. You made it up to discredit me oh so many years back because you cant discredit someone you cant claim to know.

Ive never claimed to be the resident expert on anything and as before I dont proclaim my opinions as truths. Thee is no deception, I have a doctorate, I work for DODEA, have been a leader in Northern Europe, and I have shadow recruited. Those are all true and you dont know anything, you act like you do, because if you didnt no one would believe your leadership claims without claiming you know the source thy came from.

Yes these boards and forums can be infiltrated by frauds, such as you and other leaders that have an agenda against the truth.
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Re: Reply

Post by Heliotrope »

PsyGuy wrote:
> Its not true just because @Heliotrope agrees with it.

Oh sorry, did I accidentally post my opinions as fact?
You're right to point it out, and you're absolutely correct. I will try to avoid this in future comments.

And two comments about what you just said to @Walter:

> You made it up to
> discredit me oh so many years back because you cant discredit someone you
> cant claim to know.

Yes, you can. @PsyGuy can be discredited based on his behaviour on this forum, although in my opinion he's great at doing that all by himself.

> Yes these boards and forums can be infiltrated by frauds, such as you and
> other leaders that have an agenda against the truth.

Uhmmm, you yourself have said in the past that lying is ok if it furthers your agenda. But perhaps you've had a moral awakening since?
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Post by PsyGuy »


No you didnt, Im pointing out your opinion isnt true.
My behavior on this forum is very professional. You cant discredit the background of someone you cant claim to know because then you wouldnt be privy to their background.
Diogenes knocking on your door, youve never lied?
When you did lie it advanced your agenda didnt it?
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Re: Reply

Post by Heliotrope »

PsyGuy wrote:
> No you didnt, Im pointing out your opinion isnt true.

It's my opinion.
But I should have made clear it's merely my opinion.

> My behavior on this forum is very professional. You cant discredit the
> background of someone you cant claim to know because then you wouldnt be
> privy to their background.

But I wasn't talking about your background. My point was that you can very easily discredited someone on this forum without knowing who they are in real life, by pointing out their behaviour on this forum. And in my opinion there's enough discrediting that can be done about your behaviour without involving your background. Behaviour that I think not everyone would describe as professional or mature.

> Diogenes knocking on your door, youve never lied?
> When you did lie it advanced your agenda didnt it?

So then why do you seem so riled up by Walter's apparent lying?
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Post by PsyGuy »


You made it very clear it was your opinion, you wrote it. Theres a text box with your forum name attached to it. Im identifying that your opinion isnt true based on my experience, research and reliable and trusted sources.

My point is that you cant. Your opinion or position on someone elses behavior doesnt make it true. Your feelings and thoughts that member X behaves Y thus what they say isnt true, accurate or reliable.
Your confusing credibility with popularity. What dos it matter that others dont agree with my assessment of my professionalism? Regardless unless things have changed and @Heliotrope reps some group then the position regarding my professionalism is that of @Heliotrope, thus meh.

I didnt, Im addressing a contributors topic the way I would any topic or post.
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Re: Reply

Post by Heliotrope »

PsyGuy wrote:
> You made it very clear it was your opinion, you wrote it. Theres a text box
> with your forum name attached to it. Im identifying that your opinion isnt
> true based on my experience, research and reliable and trusted sources.

Might have been clear to you, but I'd like it to be clear to the overwhelming majority of the forum's public, and I know not everyone would see it as merely my opinion they way it was written, so that's why I should have made it clear that it was just that and not a fact.
Glad it was clear to you though.

> My point is that you cant. Your opinion or position on someone elses
> behavior doesnt make it true. Your feelings and thoughts that member X
> behaves Y thus what they say isnt true, accurate or reliable.
> Your confusing credibility with popularity. What dos it matter that others
> dont agree with my assessment of my professionalism? Regardless unless
> things have changed and @Heliotrope reps some group then the position
> regarding my professionalism is that of @Heliotrope, thus meh.

Credibility is 'the quality of being trusted and believed in'. So if enough people here don't trust you then you lack credibility on this forum. And people not trusting you can be the result of nothing more than your online activity here, independent of your background.

> I didnt, Im addressing a contributors topic the way I would any topic or
> post.

"... infiltrated by frauds, such as you and other leaders that have an agenda against the truth."
Why write this if you think lying is ok?
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Post by PsyGuy »


I have that quality, nowhere in that definition does such quality depend on the popular opinion of others.

Im not a liar. Diogenes isnt knocking on my door. Since Ive lied and im not going to never lie in the future, than lying must be okay, otherwise I would never have lied and would never lie in the future.
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Re: Reply

Post by Heliotrope »

PsyGuy wrote:
> @Heliotrope
> I have that quality, nowhere in that definition does such quality depend on
> the popular opinion of others.

Being trusted and believed in is depended on those who trust or believe in you (the 'others')
Others decide if you have credibility. All you can do is behave in a way that makes them trust you and believe in you.
So yes, it is dependent on the opinion of others.

> Im not a liar. Diogenes isnt knocking on my door. Since Ive lied and im not
> going to never lie in the future, than lying must be okay, otherwise I
> would never have lied and would never lie in the future.

Uhmmm, ok?
Still doesn't explain why you wrote that if you think lying is ok.
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Post by PsyGuy »


We disagree.

Lying has to be okay. Ive lied before in the past, I will lie again in the future. Im not going to lie to you and say I dont think lying is wrong and then and go and lie. What sane person would behave contrary to what they think and feel?
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Re: Reply

Post by Heliotrope »

So why fault Walter for it?
(not that I believe he is actually a 'fraud' and has 'an agenda against the truth')
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Post by PsyGuy »


Im not faulting @Walter, Im identifying @Walters behavior.
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Re: Reply

Post by Heliotrope »

Well, your own personal interpretation of Walter's behavior.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Who elses interpretation would it be?
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