Planning ahead. How can I become an IT in Germany?

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Re: Reply

Post by majorreaction »

PsyGuy wrote:
> @Thames Pirate
> If you were locked in a room and you couldnt leave until you named an IS/DS
> in Germany that was as close to an Eaton or Exeter which IS/DS might that
> be??
> @majorreaction
> A tier 3 IS in Asia/ME/LCSA is a far more realistic option for gaining
> experience assuming you dont have something like German language ability to
> leverage into a DS in Germany. Even after those first two years your still
> not going to be marketable for a tier 2 or tier 1 IS in Germany. Your going
> to be working the circuit for about 6 years before thats something where
> youre a viable candidate.
Thank you. As far as Europe goes is there any country I could realistically think about teaching in after two years experience if not Germany? Like Poland, Belgium, Austria, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Etc?
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Re: Planning ahead. How can I become an IT in Germany?

Post by majorreaction »

@Thames Pirate

That is great advice, I 100% won't rule any lesser known IS out when that time comes. I would be open to starting in any tier school in Germany if thats what it took to get my foot in the door.
Thames Pirate
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Re: Planning ahead. How can I become an IT in Germany?

Post by Thames Pirate »

My other advice is to ignore the forum troll. Apply where you can when you can. It doesn't matter to an IS where you worked your way up or even how many years it took you to do so. They'll hire you when your skills and personality match their needs.


I would flatly refuse to play your game. But have fun with that.
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Re: Reply

Post by shadylane »

PsyGuy wrote: @Thames Pirate
> If you were locked in a room and you couldnt leave until you named an IS/DS in Germany that was as close to an Eaton or Exeter which IS/DS might that be??

Thames Pirate wrote: @PsyGuy
> I would flatly refuse to play your game. But have fun with that.

Come on TP, stop squirming and answer the question. Or could it be that I am right and you just don't want to admit it ?

@majorreaction - definitely worth keeping your application options open. The worst that can happen is they put your resumé in the trash.
Thames Pirate
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Re: Planning ahead. How can I become an IT in Germany?

Post by Thames Pirate »

Lots of locals here have not even heard of it. That said, I'm sure it's wonderful. But Germany really doesn't have an Eton--it's not a culture big on that kind of thing.
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Re: Planning ahead. How can I become an IT in Germany?

Post by shadylane »

Thames Pirate wrote:
> Lots of locals here have not even heard of it. That said, I'm sure it's
> wonderful. But Germany really doesn't have an Eton--it's not a culture big
> on that kind of thing.

They wouldn't have heard of it necessarily. As we pointed out earlier, the German elite are very wary of advertising their wealth. That doesn't mean that they don't have elite schools that they send their children to. Foremost among those is Salem - with everything that comes with that.

Interestingly the Germans I know have all heard of it. But maybe we just move in different circles ;-)
Thames Pirate
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Re: Planning ahead. How can I become an IT in Germany?

Post by Thames Pirate »

Ah, a secret Eton. Yes, of course.
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Re: Planning ahead. How can I become an IT in Germany?

Post by shadylane »

Thames Pirate wrote:
> Ah, a secret Eton. Yes, of course.

Just to you and your circle ;-)

Heard of this group before ?

G20 Group of Schools

Members include - amongst others - Eton and Exeter. There's only one member school in Germany. I'll let you guess which one it is ;-)
Thames Pirate
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Re: Planning ahead. How can I become an IT in Germany?

Post by Thames Pirate »

So now it's personal and about me?

I guess yes, to me and my circle, but that circle is pretty substantial and crosses regional and socio-economic lines (how many German billionaires do you know?)

I am sure the school is great. But if locals hardly know of it, it doesn't really compare to Eton, does it?
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Re: Planning ahead. How can I become an IT in Germany?

Post by Natapop »

There are so many English private schools, especially in Berlin, and they are always looking for new hires or long-term substitutes. If you start there, get a few years teaching experience, then you will be in a good position to apply to a better international school within Germany. Plus, you will be slightly more attractive as a candidate, having some German language skills under your belt and already being settled (no need to help you with relocation, etc.). Good luck!
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Post by PsyGuy »


Realistically no. Youre essentially an IT with the minimum consensus of two years experience in edu and you want to teach in the EUR/WE, and that a long line of ITs who ant to do that.


Save it this is TPF, a widely known elite DS with a global reputation is somehow a secret. They have students on role and those students have parents. Add the one (billionaire) friend that @Thames Pirate always brings out. @Thames Pirate probably applied to work at Salem and they gave her the snub and so they arent that great now. Its TPF.

Re: Reply

Post by Illiane_Blues »

In most countries other than the UK and US and perhaps Switzerland even the most prestigious private schools there are usually not very well-known to the general public.
And who cares about Salem? It's a boarding school and why would you want to work at one. Not just because of boarding duties, but mostly because students at boarding schools have mental issues. I've heard stories that would make anyone reconsider. Read ... 78&p=55216
Thames Pirate
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Re: Planning ahead. How can I become an IT in Germany?

Post by Thames Pirate »

Nope, no boarding schools for me!
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Post by PsyGuy »


This one is.
Why, the comp and the prestige.
Not all ITs at boarding ISs have boarding duties or are house parents.
All adolescents have mental issues, its called puberty.

Re: Planning ahead. How can I become an IT in Germany?

Post by Illiane_Blues »

We don't agree then.

The mental issues students at boarding schools have are something else, and a lot worse.
Read the article someone linked to in the thread that I linked to.
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