Reaching out to schools who aren't yet hiring... in person?

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Reaching out to schools who aren't yet hiring... in person?

Post by Zagreb77 »


First time posting here - I've been reading for a little while and appreciate the knowledge (and humor) from this forum. I remember a while back, but can't find the posting - something about reaching out to schools when you are there, to try and get an information meeting with a principal/director. Family is on a road trip and we'll be going through a few places where my top choice schools are.

Is this a good idea? How would you approach?

I welcome your thoughts.
Thames Pirate
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Re: Reaching out to schools who aren't yet hiring... in pers

Post by Thames Pirate »

We did this once. We simply emailed and/or called the schools to see if we could set something up. We were able to meet with directors/admin at at least two schools as well as HR representatives at two schools. We never heard back from some, and we got a rejection from one. Overall a worthwhile experience as we got insight into the campuses, programming, people, etc. at each as well as, in a roundabout way, ideas on how to improve and tailor our applications and interview responses. Understanding the process is as helpful as meeting the person sometimes.

It's worth the effort even if you get mostly rejections or silence. They may or may not remember your expression of interest. I know someone who did something similar, and the administrator remembered the interest and put the person on the interview list just based on their passion for being there.
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Re: Reaching out to schools who aren't yet hiring... in pers

Post by shadowjack »

Just be careful as some dodgy schools will show you around, 'interview' you, make you the offer, and then slap you with local hire benefits because you were in country when they interviewed and hired you.

It has been known to happen...
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Re: Reaching out to schools who aren't yet hiring... in pers

Post by sid »

It has indeed.
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