Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about cre

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Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about cre

Post by dolphin »

I am noticing something fishy about my principal. I did not really think about it until now, but his story changes a lot about how he got qualified. The last one was a big fib as he told he got x degree at y university. I checked if the school offers the degree, and it doesn’t. Plus, many other inconsistencies. He is bully and has made
My life miserable as well.
Has anyone ever experienced a situation like mine?
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Re: Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about

Post by sid »

Not personally but there are some famous stories of people in international schools getting publicly exposed for such things. Some were lying about credentials for the purposes of obtaining positions they didn’t deserve, and others were more nefarious in hiding actual wrong doings or bad intent. All were summarily dismissed upon discovery. It’s rare but it happens.
If you suspect, notify the board or school owner, anonymously if you feel it necessary, giving as much detail as possible so they can easily investigate. If the suspect has made written or recorded claims, share those-evidence will be key in case the person was hired based on their actual cv but is casually spreading other stories.
If the board doesn’t act, you may have to threaten or actually contact the media, but be sure before you do. If you’re wrong, it will not go well for you.
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Re: Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about

Post by sid »

Another avenue can be to contact the uni directly. If you say “John Smith claims to have a doctorate from you awarded around 1999”, they will often be happy to confirm or deny. They are proud of their graduates and upset about pretenders, so generally willing to tell you. They won’t share personal details like grades.
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Re: Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about

Post by Heliotrope »

> The last one was a big fib as he told he got x degree at y university. I
> checked if the school offers the degree, and it doesn’t.

It could just be that the university stopped offering that course last year.
As Sid says, check thoroughly.
And if confirmed, expose his ass.
He should already be fired for being a bully, but lying is also a good enough reason. People who lie about degrees and experience shouldn't get away with it.
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Re: Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about

Post by sid »

And keep us posted.
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Re: Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about

Post by dolphin »

I will try. Not easy getting a background check without proper authorization. Thanks for your insight and fir listening.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Its possible the Uni changed their programs and possibly no longer offers the degree your leadership was awarded. This is really easy though, just call the Unis registrar and ask to confirm the degree. This assumes you have identified the right Uni. The problem though is that unless youve seen the leaders application materials and documents what they tell you, is going to amount to the word of an unhappy subordinate against that of a leaders whose your supervisor. Your just going to say X said Y and X is going to say no they didnt, and then youre really going to have a target on your back under the best case scenario and worst the leader terminates you for cause.
This leaders could simply be setting you up to do something they can dismiss you for, if the story is so flimsy and evolving but theres no record of it except for your verbal claims. You file a report, the leaders feigns innocence and everything on the official record is valid and accurate, than ownership is more likely to side with the leader and that youre just disgruntled and you need to go. That could really be it, neither one of you is happy with the other but the leader needs a better reason to dismiss you, and your barrage of false accusations against their character may just give them the reason they need to get rid of you.

Re: Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about

Post by Illiane_Blues »

One of my old principals was exposed after I left, by a teacher. He's now at a crappy school in China that doesn't care.
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Re: Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about

Post by Bookworm »

At one school I was at a middle manager claimed to hold a PHD and insisted he be called Doctor but in fact he had a fake diploma and when exposed lost his job on the spot.
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Re: Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about

Post by fine dude »

Worked with a middle school principal years ago who constantly boasted and exaggerated about how he groomed leaders at his previous school. In reality, he was a history teacher at that school with no admin credential. He talked a lot about passion and innovation, but hardly available to his staff as he was busy building his CV doing accreditation visits and visiting schools all over the globe. He was able to get a full-time job for his wife even when she didn't have the credentials and misled students day in, day out with her inaccurate content knowledge.
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Re: Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about

Post by dolphin »

Turns out he was a supply teacher for primary. Never was an administrator nor does he hold an advanced degree.

I cannot give more details as it would violate forum’s policy. Got this information from reliable sources back in the United Kingdom.
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Re: Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about

Post by sid »

So what’s your next move?
And is that you over on TES with a similar post?
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Re: Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about

Post by seinfeld »

This is a child protection issue and should be reported.
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Post by PsyGuy »


How old is the source? Is it possible the claims the leader is making were completed post the sources information? Are you confident that what the leader is saying mirrors their formal application. If you file a report with the ISs ownership you will for example need to prove that their official application claims this degree from X uni and you have compelling evidence from the Uni that they do not. If you accuse the leader of not having a this degree and lying about it you have to prove not only that they dont have the degree but that they claimed they did, and if the leader just responds to your allegation with "I never claimed to have this degree" and thats whats on their application materials, your going to lose and things will get much worse for you, to the point youd wish they just dismissed you.

Thats the easy part, as to the leadership experience or being a supply DT, what exactly did they claim, whats represented on their application materials, what are you trying to prove and how do you do it? Otherwise its going to come down to a vindictive subordinates word against leadership, youre going to need more than proof your going to need a smoking gun and a confession.
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Re: Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about

Post by sid »

If you just want to out him, you don’t need much. Just create an anonymous email account. Write the board members with the information you have and tell them to investigate. Tell them you expect an answer to your email within a reasonable time, and if you don’t get a satisfactory reply, you’ll contact the media and the school’s accrediting agencies.
If you’re looking to restore your job, it’s not going to happen. No board will be interested in bringing back someone with such a complicated history, and stirring the pot about the head’s credentials will make that worse, not better.
On a separate note, you seem confident about your information, but you haven’t given info about the source other than “reliable”. This would need to be addressed, and an actual authoritative source would need to confirm the situation, or this goes nowhere. It’s only a starting point if you’ve found some guy who went to school with him or worked with him at supply. That might prove that at some point he was underqualified, but it doesn’t prove that he still is or that he lied.
Good luck. I hope you follow through at contacting the board. This deserves to be checked.
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