Bangkok Pollution

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Re: Reply

Post by Heliotrope »


It's your claim, so up to you to back it up with a credible source.
Which you can't because you made it up.
I'm happy to be proven wrong. Produce a link to a source and I'll gladly admit the list and the 75% number are correct.
But without it, everyone will know you're lying (which you think is ok, going by your replies in another topic, so that admission doesn't make you very credible).

Are you even a teacher? Generally, on a test, students have to show their work or support their claims.
And did you ever go to University? Ever turned in a paper citing a poll and producing figures but failing to include the sources? How was that received?
But maybe your didn't go to University, and when you applied for a job just said "I've got the degree, I'm not going to show it to you, just believe me".

@Thames Pirate

> This is entertaining. I know better than to feed trolls, but this is too good!

Yeah, I know what you mean. Same here.
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Re: Reply

Post by JDK »

PsyGuy wrote:
> @Heliotrope
> Yes I did, I post only from experience, research, and highly reliable and
> trusted resources. I have a very high degree of confidence in the research,
> if you have conflicting research or data, I would be interested in
> examining it and discussing the strengths and limitations.

BS. Like some others, I rarely post here on the public side. When I have, it has often been to correct your completely bogus claims regarding schools in Bangkok, as I'm sure others frequently have to do. Just two examples:

On April 13, 2015 you claimed that "The compensation range for [Bangkok] ISs (in baht) is 60K80K/100K (3rd/snd/1st tiers respectively)" and that "*IST pays just under 100K". You were laughably wrong...and I am more than happy to share links to the pay scales of several schools for that period, including *IST, to demonstrate that. Plenty of others chimed in at the time to also point out how wrong you were, and you never admitted being mistaken.

You claimed on January 10, 2016 that "The tax was previously payed by the IS on behalf of the IT" in reference to a school THAT I WORK AT! I pointed out that the school has NEVER done that, and it was confirmed by someone else who had worked there far earlier in its history. You once again never mentioned being mistaken in the rest of the thread.

Either you have the worst sources in the world, or you're full of it. I'm leaning toward the latter.
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Re: Bangkok Pollution

Post by Walter »

"Strangely enough, the DoDEA piece is one of the few things that I do believe, mostly from the many posts/exchanges on the DoD chat board from when we were both hired at the same time (6 years ago, allegedly)."

Nope it's hokum. He doesn't work for DoDEA and never has. More of Dave's "Second Life" stuff. And as it happens, I'm completely fine with someone who has a shallow life reinventing himself as a success on these pages. What irritates me is the pretense that he is a figure of some reckoning in the world of international education who has important knowledge to pass on. While many who use this site are duly skeptical of his claims, there are some who may take his advice seriously. That's why it's important, from time to time, to prick the bubble of self-importance.
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Post by PsyGuy »

@Thames Pirate

I never wrote backing a claim, I wrote posting a claim, thats how reading works.


Im pretty sure I have to do nothing, if you have conflicting data, please feel free to post it.

If you want to examine "their work" thats fine its an exam they arrived at their response by whatever means they did so. Students have to show their work on homework.

I attended several Universities.


First they werent bogus claims. Second, even assuming they were in error, 2015 is 4 years ago, my sources and research has a high degree of confidence and reliability its not infallible. Ive been wrong before I can count them on my fingers, what isnt being wrong is substituting the opinion of some leadership and thaiophiles because they say so.


Again you know nothing, never have, the only fraud and second life this forum serves is for you.
Thames Pirate
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Re: Bangkok Pollution

Post by Thames Pirate »

I know you are, but what am I? Nuh-uh! You can't make me!

Did I sum it up? Or did I forget the one where he calls people poopy heads?

Sorry it hurt to be called out. Prove us wrong, and we will apologise. Credibility is something you establish with truth and evidence, not longer posts.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Only data matters.
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Re: Reply

Post by Heliotrope »

Without anything to back it up, your claim is immaterial.

I can see why you would need to attended several universities, as all but the last one probably expelled you at some point for either cheating or consistently not naming your sources.
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Post by PsyGuy »


I only post from experience, research and trusted and reliable sources. I have highly confident data to support my position, as opposed to you which is nothing more than the howlings of a critic.
Several degrees several universities.
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Re: Reply

Post by Heliotrope »

PsyGuy wrote:
> Several degrees several universities.

Hard to believe, given your inability to reference your sources (for your ranking and the 75%), something they don't let you get away with in a university (or in high school for that matter). So if you have no data to share, all you have is an ordinary opinion, rooted in a by definition limited experience. Have a great day.
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Post by PsyGuy »


I only post from experience, research and trusted and reliable sources. I have highly confident data to support my position
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Re: Bangkok Pollution

Post by Heliotrope »


If you have no data to share, all you have is an ordinary opinion, rooted in a by definition limited experience.
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Re: Bangkok Pollution

Post by Heliotrope »

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Re: Bangkok Pollution

Post by Walter »

@Dave Several degrees several universities.
By the way, he often claims to have a doctorate. That's another lie.
Thames Pirate
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Re: Bangkok Pollution

Post by Thames Pirate »

If you're going to lie about your knowledge on a subject, at least pick something that isn't so easy to disprove with a few questions.

If you're going to fake being an academic, at least fake doing what an academic would do and post some sources.

If you are going to lie about where you have lived and what you have done, at least do some better googling on what it's actually like. Maybe find a friend (if you have any) who speaks the language to translate some things for you.
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Re: Bangkok Pollution

Post by vandsmith »


about that bangkok pollution...see that the aqi is at 114 today...

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