Should I take this salary package?

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Re: Should I take this salary package?

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

As most people have said, the package is on the low side for a certified teacher for China. You wouldn't starve and would likely be able to save some money (not as much as many other schools could offer, but some is likely).

Make sure that you have had some very specific and detailed talks with your sister about the housing/financial situation (and discussions with your husband about what he will be doing). She is there on the ground and should know better than most of us the current situation with that school/location.

If you are satisfied that you wouldn't be hurting yourselves financially and are dying to share this experience with your sister (and your husband is keen as well) then decide if you want to take this leap for a couple of years. If so, then you will likely be able to use this experience as a stepping stone to bigger and better things future or you might get the live abroad bug out of your system.

Good luck with whatever you decide.
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Post by PsyGuy »


I concur with @WT123, your sister is really the best source of current and relevant information about finances, housing, and the work conditions at the IS. The IS cant be that bad if your sister is renewing for another two years, and again I agree with @WT123, after two years your resume will have better utility and marketability.
There is nothing wrong with your marketability, but certified and some experience while it makes you eligible for IE at all tiers, its an issue of being competitive compared to other ITs. The VAST majority of ITs have a credential, and almost ALL have them have a first degree. A few years experience isnt huge, and you have two dependents and are in primary.

I agree with @WT123, that you need to have a discussion with your spouse about what they will be doing, even if its just being the primary caregiver.

Someones got to work at the bottom of the tier salary scale for there and at that level to be a bottom. Your getting to work with your sister, and a best you may get a couple thousand more RMB a month somewhere else, but you wont have that day too day interaction and connecting time with your sister. My instinct is telling me thats a primary factor for your choice in doing this, that your sister pitched and sold you on joining her and probably handed off your application too leadership.
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Re: Should I take this salary package?

Post by Cherrypop »

Thank you psyguy and wrldtrvlr123!

Your responses are VERY insightful and helpful.

I have been gaining more and more information. My sister got me in contact with other teachers from the school and the general consensus is that they enjoy it there. My husband and I are leaning towards going so we shall see.

He will be completing his degree. The school said they could possibly employ him in another position so there is an option there as well.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Well I would take what your sisters fellow ITs say with a huge grain of salt, its not like shes going to put you in contact with ITs that arent cheerleaders, she has an incentive to motivate you to take the appointment. How many negatives are you really expecting to hear?

If were being honest this is less an occupational decision and more an experiential one, call it "two sisters on the silk road" or whatever, its about you and your sister in a foreign country and the experience and bond you to will have and share. Everything else in so far as the logistics are concerned whether the coin, or the housing or the work load or whatever, are just the means that allow you to afford that experience. You cant just go and do this on your savings or without a job, and without this being about experiencing this with your sister, than there isnt a motivation to go, and everything else becomes moot.
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Re: Should I take this salary package?

Post by Cherrypop »

Actually PsyGuy, you are very mistaken with that assumption. :)

My sister and I have actually already traveled extensively together to more than 5 countries over a course of two months.

Going is actually less about the experience with my sister than it is the financial benefit of my husband and I paying down debt. My husband and I planned 3 years ago on going abroad for this just so happened that my sister went before us and said we could join her there. So it's lining up with our original decision anyway. So we applied and here we are. Trying to figure out the logistics of it all.

I really do appreciate all of your advice though! Thanks.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Totally got that wrong.

If your goal is savings, China isnt a bad place to do that but the ME is the place to maximize coin and savings. You will save some at the offer youve presented, but I dont see you getting more than a couple thousand RMB at most elsewhere in China, but its not unreasonable youd be able to get a couple more thousand in comp. You can take this position and keep looking then you will have something to compare other offers too and still have a this appointment as a backup.
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Re: Should I take this salary package?

Post by Overhere »

I think having a shared overseas experience with your sister will be something that both of you will treasure for the rest of your lives. One of the things that my wife and I find difficult is that our families really don't care about our experiences other than that we are happy and healthy (which of course is important).

I live in Shanghai so my comparison is definitely not apples to apples but I think your salary is low and your benefits package is left wanting as well. However, there is more to life than salary and benefits and if this fits in with your and your spouse's life plan then go for it and take advantage of time with your sister.
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Post by PsyGuy »

No one back home ever wants to hear about your travels or OS experience, they might give you 5 minutes but beyond that they lose all interest.
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Re: Should I take this salary package?

Post by Heliotrope »

Most of my family and friends are actually quite interested in our overseas experience.
When visiting them back home they usually keep asking about our lives and experiences here (sometimes longer than we care for to be honest), and many have come to visit because their curiosity was piqued by our stories and our enthusiasm about the place, and perhaps the free guest room and the fact that we can guide them around helps.
But it could depend on the kinds of people your friends and family members are, and some locations will be more interesting than others for them.
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Re: Should I take this salary package?

Post by tangchao »

That was my after-tax salary in a cheaper city ten years ago with half your experience when the RMB was worth more.

Keep looking.
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Re: Should I take this salary package?

Post by applebutter »


This is a very poor offer. I currently live in Suzhou, and housing is much more expensive than that. At a minimum, you are looking at 3,000-3,500 RMB for rent per month. This is also a very low salary offer. At my school teachers start at 30,000-32,000 RMB per month before tax. Plus all of the other benefits. If you are set on Suzhou my school will have some openings for August. Send me a private message, and I can talk to you about my school here.
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Post by PsyGuy »


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Re: Should I take this salary package?

Post by FV2020 »

applebutter wrote:
> @Cherrypop
> This is a very poor offer. I currently live in Suzhou, and housing is much
> more expensive than that. At a minimum, you are looking at 3,000-3,500 RMB
> for rent per month. This is also a very low salary offer. At my school
> teachers start at 30,000-32,000 RMB per month before tax. Plus all of the
> other benefits. If you are set on Suzhou my school will have some openings
> for August. Send me a private message, and I can talk to you about my
> school here.

@applebutter I’d like to DM you but can’t here— are you teaching IB curriculum or another curriculum?
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Post by PsyGuy »


So its been a month and BOS is over, and thus the endish of peak recruiting season, what happened, did you take the offer?
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