American or Brit Certification/Credential for non-citizens.

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Re: American or Brit Certification/Credential for non-citize

Post by Boomba »

Many thanks!

I think I will do the AOQTS. If anyone has any testimony and recommendations regarding how to do and which establishment, feel free to share it here, please.
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Post by PsyGuy »


St. Marys has demonstrated a lot of flexibility, if you really have a high classed resume. Both Sunderland and Nottingham are possible avenues, but they are pricey. EQ and TES are the best global options, EQ tends to push its other programs. TES is the most global and accessible.
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Re: American or Brit Certification/Credential for non-citize

Post by Boomba »

However, I cannot see what makes one provider or another stick out!

BTW, Can we get a US credential with a QTS? There is no mention of such a thing on the web.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Mainly method of service and flexibility, as well as cost.

Yes, a number of states will issue a credential based on QTS. Generally, your going to need 2 or more years of post certification experience to be eligible.
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Re: American or Brit Certification/Credential for non-citize

Post by Boomba »

Here is my personal contribution to the question:
I contacted and asked all the providers. So far:

Not possible to take QTS out of UK:
- University of Bedfordshire
- Billericay Educational Consortium
- e-Qualitas

Only British schools:
- Essex & Thames Primary SCITT,

Awaiting confirmation from another staff member:
- University of Sunderland

The rest did not answer yet.


Indeed, those 2 years must be in American schools, or at least WASC and other accredited schools. Correct?
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Re: American or Brit Certification/Credential for non-citize

Post by Boomba »

Not AOQTS possible abroad with The Cambridge Partnership as well.
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Post by PsyGuy »


eQ used to advertise that you could do AOQTS outside the UK. Nottingham and Sunderland have their hands in a lot of OS ventures. The Nottingham campus in China had word you could do the AO route at least in China at BSs in Peking, there was an IT that did that. St. Mary's did AO for an IT OS, but this was at a BSO and the IT had a Master class resume. TES has the only national or global established program.

Its hard to qualify a whole range of states. Those two years have to be at an accredited IS, preferably AS, they all will for the most part accept that, some states will accept a BSO or IB inspected/authorized IS. CA for example will take only an AS, while DC will accept any of the three. The others are somewhere in between.
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