Experienced EFL Teacher looking for a quick US Cert

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Re: Experienced EFL Teacher looking for a quick US Cert

Post by Vdanya »

My QTS app rejected, so just for future reference, the Utah level 1 license is not a route to QTS. Here's the full text of their reply:

"Thank you for your application. Unfortunately we are unable to award you QTS. To qualify for QTS via the Overseas Trained Teacher (OTT) route you need to provide evidence that you held/hold a Level 2 License with the Utah State Office of Education. You have provided evidence that you hold Level 1 License; therefore you do not meet the required criteria. You are welcome to submit a new application to us when you are able to provide a Level 2 License."
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Post by PsyGuy »


You were on the wrong side of the axe, it was bound to happen eventually, and sooner rather than later. The APT credential was issued and approved in July and some early applicants did get QTS out of it, but at some point someone was going to find out that the ATP credential doesnt contain an ITT/EPP program, and it was only a matter of time, before that happened.

The other side of that though is you still have the UT APT credential, that is fully renewable every three years and is a professional educator credential, and you did very little for that credential. You took an exam that was a days work, and you obtained fingerprints for the CRB and completed an application, which is another days work. You went from nothing to teacher in about 48 hours of effort and resources. Look at the costs you saved compared to the cost of a ACP or a traditional Uni EPP/ITT program. You spent a few hundred dollars (about USD$300) in exams, and fees compared to USD$6K for Teach Now or Teach Ready and while there are some cheaper ACP programs at about USD$5K you still saved a lot of coin that makes you as legal a professional IT/DT as anyone else.

You may have a few more months maybe a year at the most to standardize the UT credential. You do however have three years to gain teaching experience before you have to renew. In 2 years youd be eligible for the lifetime NJ Standard (Advance grade) credential and in 3 years youd be eligible for the 5 year HI Standard (professional grade credential). You can then use those credentials to get QTS, and again you dont have to do anything for those credentials except work. Youve already done the PRAXIS, so all youd need to do is a CRB and application again for NJ and an application alone for HI.
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Re: Experienced EFL Teacher looking for a quick US Cert

Post by Vdanya »

Oh yeah, I'm definitely satisfied with the Utah certification - and am so glad you recommended it! It was a leap to try for QTS, so I'm not disappointed, it's a good reality check. This is all I need for now, and I definitely haven't lost anything, so it's a great route for anyone needing certification. The Utah DOE was so helpful and responsive to questions too.
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Post by PsyGuy »


If you wanted to standardize your certificate at this point your best option is applying to Mississippi (MI) for the 5 year reciprocity license. There is no experience requirement, youve already completed the PRAXIS, you have a clear CRB and they may except the UT APT license. In which case, you could then reapply for QTS.
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Re: Experienced EFL Teacher looking for a quick US Cert

Post by jkubok2 »

@psyguy and @vdanya

I have also received my UT APT license but I haven't tried for QTS. I guess I won't now. So, psyguy what would standardising my UT license in Mississippi do for me? Thanks for your help!
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Post by PsyGuy »


I would try anyway, it literally costs nothing, except MAYBE postage and an envelope. Sometimes people slip though the cracks and it could be that your application is one that does. This is a busy time of the year for the TCL, so maybe so tired credentialing specialist had the decaf and just shrugged though blurry contacts and approves yours. Stranger things have happened.

MS doesnt require an EPP/ITT for the 5 year reciprocity licenses, only that you have a valid certificate, have a bachelors degree and passed a recognized subject competency test to obtain the certificate. You did all those things for UT. Assuming MS accepted the UT credential your certificate would be standardized to professional grade and then could seek QTS based on the MS 5 year license which is equivalent to QTS. You would be using an entry grade credential (UT) to obtain a professional grade credential (MS) and then using that to obtain another professional grade credential (QTS), because UT has three grades of credentials and MS two, and MSs standards are lower. Essentially MS has what DC used to have.
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Re: Experienced EFL Teacher looking for a quick US Cert

Post by jkubok2 »


Thank you for the useful information, as always. I'll give QTS a shot with my UT license and if it doesn't work I'll move over to MS. How long does the MS cert last (my UT is good for 3 years with a 1 year renew) and can you add qualifications by adding Praxis exams to the MS one just like the HI one? Cheers!
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Post by PsyGuy »


The UT credential is valid for 3 years but as long as you dont teach in UT you can renew it continuously.

A number of common subject fields can be added to the MS professional grade credential by passing the PRAXIS exam. The notable exceptions are you CAN NOT add elementary/primary by PRAXIS exam, and you CAN add Librarian by PRAXIS exam.

The MS professional grade credentials are valid for 5 years and may then be renewed by completing PD.
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Re: Experienced EFL Teacher looking for a quick US Cert

Post by tangchao »

May I paraphrase?

I can't be bothered doing the training to become a real teacher but I want a certificate that says I am.
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Re: Experienced EFL Teacher looking for a quick US Cert

Post by teachjzy »

Turns out the lvl 1 Utah license does not qualify for QTS. I've just applied and was denied. They stated a lvl 2 license is required.
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Post by PsyGuy »


That would confirm @Vdanya earlier experience as well.
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Re: Experienced EFL Teacher looking for a quick US Cert

Post by jkubok2 »

@psyguy Same exact response to me as well for QTS - denied.

And I emailed MS BoE to ask them...if with the UT level 1, would I be eligible to apply for the 5 year license? And at first I received a general template reply:

"All documents must be received and reviewed before licensure status is confirmed. Please mail all required documents to the Office of Educator Licensure, P.O. Box 771, Jackson, MS 39205-0771. If you have additional questions, please contact the Office of Educator at 601-359-3483."

But upon further pressing they offered this which is of really no more help:

"In reference to reciprocity, there are only two year and five year licenses. When your documents are received, the licensure - will review to verify which license you will qualify for. If you have additional questions, please contact the Office of Educator Licensure at 601-359-3483."

What are my other options? I don't really want the MS 2 year license as it is still a level 1, I believe. And then of course I'd have to move it again in a couple years. How can I get that professional grade license so I can apply for QTS? I don't think there is a way.

Thanks again for all of your help.
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Post by PsyGuy »


We knew that the TCL was at some point going to take a firm position on the UT APT level 1 certificate (and really other credentials as well).

I wouldnt have given MS a heads up or advance notice. In general when regulatory and licensing agencies are pressed, their responses are usually "no". You should understand the UT APT certificate is not even a year old, the rules were changed in July of 2016. A lot of agencies and regulatory authorities are coping with this divergence in professional training and preparation. I can understand your course of action though, it takes time and fees, and you dont want to spend those resources if youre not going to benefit.
The difference between the 2 year and 5 year license in MS is the completion of testing assessments (such as PRAXIS). Youve already done that for UT. There is no experiential requirement or deficiency. If they did give you the 2 year credential, I cant see what you would have to do to transition to the 5 year credential that you havent already done. Either youre going to be eligible for the 5 year credential, or your not going to be eligible for anything, likely on the basis that the UT APT credential isnt a standard (professional grade) credential.

At this point the options are exhausted, if MS fails to provide you a 5 year credential. There arent any more pathways to standardization of your credential to professional level that dont become viable without accumulating professional educator experience.
If you dont want to complete any PD requirements for the UT credential you can pursue the MA preliminary credential which wont expire as long as you do not teach in MA.
The NJ CE route is changing this summer and wont be a viable OS IT pathway to a CE. NJ wont be a pathway by mutual recognition for the NJ Standard credential (professional grade) for you since you do not hold a standard credential from UT (which is level 2).
You would need 2 years of experience, a Masters degree and have to obtain an ESOL credential for the CA CLEAR credential, which you cant add as an endorsement to the UT credential.

The next step for you is to complete three years of professional K12/KS teaching experience and then apply for the HI standard credential (professional grade). At that point you can apply for and receive QTS. You could also explore the AO route to QTS as quickly as 1 year.
You could potentially apply for the CT initial credential after 2 years of experience.

Im sorry but the wall is going up between those DTs/ITs that are trained and those that are assessed. The same phenomenon was observed when ACP EPP/ITT programs became common. Segregation occurred between those that were traditionally trained (academically) and those that were alternatively trained (skills focused), this is just the next iteration.
Gone is the clearinghouse of global credentialing that was DC. A number of states are implementing stronger EPP/ITT programs now that the teacher shortage crises, isnt much of a crises anymore.

You still have a professional educator credential from UT, and compared to a candidate that completed an EPP/ITT program you spent a lot less time and resources in obtaining it, but the sentiment of the forum contributors is a valid one, one I dont disagree with. You want a shortcut into the profession, and the access is there and it gets you into the profession but its still a shortcut. The gatekeepers of the profession have to accept that these shortcuts exist, but they dont have to let you in the same room as those that took the longer traditional route.

::looking around::

Okay there is still another option, but its going to take a lot more time and resources. You could look around for a region outside of the UK/US/AUS/CAN, (another European country for example) that has far less experience, that would issue you a national credential of theirs based on the UT APT credential and then use that credential to obtain QTS. My experience with these routes though generally have two really big barriers, either 1) You have to demonstrate proficiency in the host language or 2) You have to have an employer sponsor you for the credential.
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Re: Experienced EFL Teacher looking for a quick US Cert

Post by jkubok2 »

@psyguy Thanks for all of your help. I will apply for the MS license and hope for the best. Thanks for all of your help, I really appreciate it. I could always get a Japanese license because I can speak the language and have taught as an EFL teacher there for many years...if it comes to this.

I've actually just received an offer for the next academic year to teach at a 9-12 technology high school here in the UAE where I'm living now as a EFL teacher (because of my experience) even though my APT is in ELA--as ESOL wasn't offered. I hope it would could towards my necessary 3 years of experience to reach level 2. I haven't made a decision whether to accept it yet, but I do appreciate your advice, especially recommending the APT. Offer received! Thanks and all the best...
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Re: Experienced EFL Teacher looking for a quick US Cert

Post by teachjzy »

I did the Reading endorsement as ESL wasn't offered. Keep us posted on the MS and future QTS attempts.

Send me the the job link if you decide to turn it down :)
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