Lying former director - shut out of Search

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Lying former director - shut out of Search

Post by Simplewords »

Hello All,

Our first international job landed us working for a terrible director and the relationship between us ended badly (as in we really did not like each other). When we tried to sign up with Search she outright lied about us, saying something to the extent that we were let go before the end of our contract for "conduct unbecoming of a teacher". Based on her feedback, Search denied our application. From the same school we have SEVERAL outstanding peer and parent references.

Since, we've had two other positions, completed contracts and have great references from our administrators. So, we tried to apply to Search once again, only to be told that because of what this first woman said they can NEVER take us on as candidates.

I am upset that the words of one lying director can outweigh the multitude of positive words of other administrators. This seems wildly unfair.

Is our only recourse to go with ISS? Have you heard of a situation such as ours and what did people do?

Cheers and thanks for the feedback.
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Re: Lying former director - shut out of Search

Post by shadowjack »

I would try to sign up with another associate, and explain the situation. You might also want to note the many positive references, even from parents at the original school. They can only say no, but they might decide that the other associate over reacted.
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Re: Lying former director - shut out of Search

Post by eion_padraig »

Is there an another admin at the same school that could vouch for you completing your service at the school? Someone who would be willing to make contact with Search and go on record? I agree that Shadowjack's advice is good too.

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Re: Lying former director - shut out of Search

Post by expatscot »

On the QT.....

If you are registered with the UK office of Search, their claim that you can't request copies of your references doesn't stand up legally. Under the UK Data Protection Act, you are entitled to view (as a Data Subject Access Request) copies of any and all information held, used or shared by them on their systems about you. This is enforced by the Information Commissioner. They may charge a maximum of £10 to do this.

They may well block you after this - but since they've done this anyway it's less of a problem. It might not get you far, but you would then have a firm copy of the individual's offending reference - which, depending on the country, might be actionable legally....
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Post by PsyGuy »


Doesnt work that way. Well the law works that way but Cope isnt stupid. There are three states that SA uses when deactivating a candidate profile. The first is "archived" which maintains all the data in the profile, but removes it from the search index and the display tables, its essentially hidden, unavailable and not accessible. The second is "removed this means the data in all the fields is deleted. Theres still cell space for the values but they are all empty. The backups may contain various amounts of cell data from the database (including full data, but its not indexed, you cant search it, it could be restored but only by reimageing the database (this is down for possible legal litigation or other legal process). The third is "purged", this means the data is wiped away, and backups are updated that overwrites the data, it doesnt exist anymore. This is what SA does in the UK when someone is involuntarily selected out. They purge the candidate file because they know your never coming back, you have nothing to lose and no reason to maintain a relationship with them, and they know they would have to comply with a data acquisition request.
Thames Pirate
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Re: Lying former director - shut out of Search

Post by Thames Pirate »

If someone is purged what stops them from signing up again, with the bad admin either ghosted or replaced by a department head?
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Post by PsyGuy »

@Thames Pirate

The fact that the associate isnt an automaton, and likely keeps some form of list.
Thames Pirate
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Re: Lying former director - shut out of Search

Post by Thames Pirate »

So sign up with a new associate? Seems like an easy solution.
southeast asia
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Re: Lying former director - shut out of Search

Post by southeast asia »

How easy is it to switch to another associate? I so wanted to do that because I had been using someone in the States and the times I went to job fairs in London, I found a couple of other associates super helpful and just because of the ease and the fact that they answered questions that she didn't I wanted to switch.

When I signed up for the third time I was looking for a job I remember trying but it didn't work. So now I am curious.

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Post by PsyGuy »

@Thames Pirate

Again, associates are not automatons, and purged records are very rare.

@southeast asia

Not that easy, they will ask if youve ever been registered before, and then direct you to that associate. However, each associate is essentially a franchise of SA and with a convincing story you may be able to register with another associate. It doesnt hurt to ask, all they can say is no.
Thames Pirate
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Re: Lying former director - shut out of Search

Post by Thames Pirate »

So if the OP isn't purged, they could get their records. If purged, start from scratch. Simple.
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Post by PsyGuy »

@Thames Pirate

Youre forgetting the human factor. The associate isnt an automaton, Cope isnt stupid, Im sure he has a list. The other an more realistic issue is that they would just be removed, so whatever youd get is just a piece of paper with your name. Meaning you arent going to get the references anyway.
Thames Pirate
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Re: Lying former director - shut out of Search

Post by Thames Pirate »

Again, new human = workaround. Really, it's not rocket science.
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Re: Lying former director - shut out of Search

Post by expatscot »

Legally though, if there is a list, then that's data (unless it's all in someone's head.)

Under the DPA, organisations can only keep data for as long as is necessary. So if someone is rejected, then the data (by law) must be deleted immediately. If you're in archived or active, then technically your data is still required so they can maintain it.

So it comes back to the list again - as if you apply a second time it should be a completely fresh application. If that doesn't happen because there's a list (electronic or handwritten) of people who are automatically rejected, then that list is data and should be released on request.
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Post by PsyGuy »

@Thames Pirate

That could work, request copies of your file, Cope purges the records so it doesnt have to release them (assuming they actually do that, and don't just delete), then wait a bit and apply with another associate.


Okay legally they have to do that, the database is public knowledge. If they have a notebook with a paper list in a desk drawer how do you prove that SA is not in compliance when you cant prove such a list exists.
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