Praxis core math exam

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Praxis core math exam

Post by aaajo »

Hello, I would like to complete a teacher certification course with 'teach now' via DC. I recently found out that to get certification I would need to pass the praxis core exam - the reading and writing should be no problem but I am worried about the maths core test. I am terrible at math, mild dyscalculia and failed math at school. Is there anyone who too is terrible at math but managed to pass the exam. I am starting to give up hope and contemplating on giving up on the certification.

Please help!
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Re: Praxis core math exam

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

I was exempt from the Praxis and am so so at math. But, I know people who took it and passed and math was definitely not their best event. The good news is that you are allowed a calculator so computation deficits won't hurt you. Also, you need correct answers on around 2/3 of the questions to pass (depending on the state) so if you have some areas that you just don't get, you can still pass. None of the math should be beyond most people's capabilities with some study and review.

So, get one of the widely available study guides and give it a try. You never know!
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Re: Praxis core math exam

Post by aaajo »

Thanks. How were you exempt? The only way I can avoid the praxis core is by certifying with Arizona state (DC and Az are only states available with teach now) and take the NES Pearson exams (new aepa) but I don't know which is more difficult. Do you know up to which garde the maths knowlegde is? I think I read praxis core only goes up to 5th grade maths and then heard it goes upto HS...
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Re: Praxis core math exam

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

I had to take the CLAST in Florida which was used instead of the Praxis. You would need to find out for certain which version you would have to take but here is one practice guide:

I am pretty sure that the concepts are more advanced then 5th grade. As I said, take a practice test and see how bad it is, then try some self-study and practice and try again. Math was never my strength but I have been able to do some self-study and can now do well enough to help my SPED students with Algebra and Geometry. So give it a go and see how bad it is.
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Re: Praxis core math exam

Post by aaajo »

Thanks. Do you think, in your opinion, that praxis is more difficult than the state tests which the states who don't use praxis have?
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Re: Praxis core math exam

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

I couldn't say. I would think that they are about the same but you might be able to do some research and see if any are considered the easiest. Someone might post with more first hand information.

Florida apparently still uses their own General Knowledge Test which my wife passed and math is definitely not her best event.
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Post by PsyGuy »

The Praxis Core Exam in Maths is at the common core minimum standards for a school leaving certificate. It tests your maths understanding in Algebra, Geometry, Numeracy and Statistics/Probability at the high school level. The qualifier is that these are minimum standards, they arent at AP level, but unless you were in a state with REALLY LOW expectations the content wouldnt be at the 5th grade level. If you failed maths in upper secondary you may have problems, most secondary graduates have successfully passed two years of maths including Algebra and Geometry.

You can still pass the exam in DC and most states while missing about 1/3rd to 1/4 of the items (depending on the state), because passing isnt based on your raw score but your scaled score (your comparison to a norm referencing sample). You could miss all of the Algebra items and if you did VERY well on the rest you could still pass, but numeracy is only about 30% of the exam, 30% is Algebra, 20% Geometry, and 20 Statistics. You cant just pass the numeracy portion and pass the test.
Your discalcula may allow you an accommodation to taking the exam.

ETS (which publishes and administers the Praxis) and Pearson are the big test publishers. States with their own exam contracted with one of the two (normally Pearson) to create their assessments, and one of the tasks they do is correlate them to other exams, as such neither exam is going to be easier.

Its a moot issue however. You wouldnt have this issue in Arizona as they do not have an equivalent requirement of the Praxis Core Exams of general knowledge (to include maths). You do not need to demonstrate any maths knowledge for certification in Arizona.

A would advise taking the practice exam for the Praxis and see how you do, the DC certification is far more marketable and the Praxis is much easier to complete (no travel), and explore what accommodations you may be eligible for. If the Praxis is unsuitable for you than persue the Arizona certification. You will eventually want to transfer and park your certification in either NJ or CA at some point.
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Re: Praxis core math exam

Post by ica2905 »

@aaajo - I'm in the same situation as you. I've never been good at math and I didn't make good grades in math in high school. Plus, I haven't taken a math class since high school, which was over 15 years ago. How did you end up doing on your test? Any advice?
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Post by PsyGuy »


Its a short test, you have to move through the items with purpose, its not the type of exam you can brute force through each of the responses to reverse navigate the exam.
Amusing User Name
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Re: Praxis core math exam

Post by Amusing User Name »

I struggled with my Praxis math. This site helped me

< ... ndex.shtml >

I paid the $10 for the worked exam questions and I would highly recommend you do the same. Shoddy user interface but top quality study material and test taking strategies. Print the flashcards, study the information packs and stay focused on your end goal. Khan academy is also an excellent free resource, although if you are pressed for time it can be a little 'maths for its own sake'.

It is doable.
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Re: Praxis core math exam

Post by heatherpoter98 »

Its so hard that you have to write anther test when you move to states like Georgia. I assure you will have no issues with praxis or any professional test with the help of (spirassp. com) They guarantee you make the perfect score and ensure you get certified by providing you with the exact practice questions you need to excel in this test. They also helped me with my GACE back when I moved from Louisiana to Georgia and I had to take the GACE with little time to prepare. It was totally mind blowing.
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