Ecole d’Humanité ...

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Ecole d’Humanité ...

Post by bananas »

I can't find much information on them, other than what they provide themselves. Does anyone know anything? Thanks!
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Post by PsyGuy »

Its a third tier boarding school, but it is in Switzerland, and theyre content with their place and role in IE. They have a large American academy and use the AP program and there students do well. Most of the teachers and admin are on the much older side, experienced educators, but not a lot of interest in innovation. Boarding life is a necessity and you will basically be a house parent to a cluster of students. You pretty much have to be "on" all the time. If youve ever worked at a summer camp thats the life, with better accommodations.
The package isnt that great and seems high outside of Switzerland, and you can live off of it, and one of the few places you could save because there isnt a lot to spend your money on. Being a teaching couple would make a lot of difference. The biggest problem is that its very rural, theres nothing there, its basically skiing and agriculture. Its not Borne and its not Zurich, the winters are very isolating. If your single your very much going to stay that way.
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Re: Ecole d’Humanité ...

Post by tck4life »

"Those arent facts or reality they are YOUR perceptions and your opinions."
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Post by PsyGuy »

I sense a trend in the force...

Perceptions, opinion, AND conjecture. Its hard to find complete information though, and you never really know if the set of data you have is complete (and any scholar will tell you it isnt), and theres always artifact and outliers. Lines and curves are conceptually infinite, and any scatter plot or assessment of data only captures a snapshot. We get that criticism a lot in IE, things are always changing, and what was known is no longer valid and less reliable.
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Re: Ecole d’Humanité ...

Post by bananas »

For third tier they have a super intense application process! I don't know if it's going to be worth it....
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Post by PsyGuy »

Tier status is only valid regionally. All regions have the full range of tiers. There are third tier french schools and Japanese schools and in this case Swiss schools as well. Thats the issue their WE and theyre a Swiss school, but there are really dumpy ISs in the ME for example that have long applications and EVERY IS thinks its a special place and that they are awesome and worthy of whatever policy they implement.
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Re: Ecole d’Humanité ...

Post by WellThen »

bananas wrote:
> For third tier they have a super intense application process! I don't know
> if it's going to be worth it....

I'am very new here, but currently considering to start the application process -the school is interested for me.
Did you make it? Was it worth it?
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