Completely new to int'l school app. process - please advise!

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Post by PsyGuy »


I had to return to the states to establish my home of record, doesn't really matter though, I'm sure your wired into every school in EU and PAC. Still not saying where I'm going.
I was hired though based on who I am now, and Im going to stay being me, just the way I am.

You can find the increased fee ($225) at Searchs FAQ at the site below, under the heading 'fees'. The fee you paid last month was then, this is now.


It's not that the ME has it's own process, they just have a hard time fillin vacancies, so they are always recruiting.

I usually recommend Search, they have 650 schools compared to ISS having 150. ISS is more a inch market, they really only represent tier 1 schools, and if you aren't a veteran IS teacher they aren't going to pay much attention to you. Search is also less expensive overall then ISS. Search is $225 for three years and a free fair. ISS is $185 for a 2 years but you have to pay $225 to attend all the fairs, there isnt an individual fair fee.
New Candidates are generally more successful with Search then ISS. COIS is another option but old if you have European experience.

Each schol is different and IS school latch on too fads as well, there is a minor trend in upper secondar English for reader/writer workshop trained teachers. AP/IB experience of course help. I hope that addressed your question.
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Post by WeDoDude »


Only know 1 principal out in the EU. Know all of them in the PAC. We're small and I tend to network. I don't want to be an AP forever and with the way DoDEA is heading you just never know which of the current PAC principals will be an Asst Sup one day. So I've asked around the PAC if they've hired someone, anyone, that was teaching last SY in Demark in a coordinator position at an IS. All answers came back a big negative on that one! Now I'm not saying that you didn't get hired, I'm just saying that you didn't get hired in the PAC, unless you were less than truthful, or are being less than truthful with all of us.
Hey, you continue to be that bundle of joy tripled wrapped in psycho that we have all come to love about you. EU DoDDS teachers, as I'm sure you already know since you know everything, are bit suspicious on new "CONUS" arrivals. They're going to want to know everything about you. They'll compare notes on you. I wish you luck over there. I think you'll fit right in with the lot of them.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Who are you kidding they are all small. I will say that over the last couple weeks, what to an outsider looks disorganized and a lack of consistency, that DODEA can be amazingly efficient when it needs/wants to be.

I think id be in good company anywhere, and you know stupidity is going after moby dick in a row boat with a pea shooter. Courage is going after moby dick in a row boat with a pea shooter AND a jar of tarter sauce.

Im bringing tarter sauce.
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Post by WeDoDude »

DoDEA is roller coaster. Once you're strapped in and the ride has started there is no getting off until the end. Enjoy all of the ups, downs, sharp turns and upside downs that you're going to experience. Our mission is what keeps me going. Our kids deserve the best! I truly believe that. Unfortunately, they don't always get it. So I hope that you're a good teacher that will make a difference in their lives.

Here in the PAC, our moms and dads go off to play war games with the Japanese, South Koreans, Thais, ects. Over where you are in the EU, your parents go off to war. I hope that you remember that...
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Post by PsyGuy »

Im just a teacher, ill let history decide the good of it.
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Post by ringler24 »

Sad sad sad. A good teacher is never just a teacher. The role should include parent, advisor, coach etc... when it's needed. Unfortunately whoever interviewed you failed to assert this was not the case with you PsyGuy. You've made it quite clear throughout your constant posting that you're in this for the money, not the kids. You've stated plainly that the only downside to DODDS is the kids, because they have "issues". Your views might work on the international school scene, but now that you're essentially going to be teaching American public school children it's quite a shame that they will have to be subject to your attitude about them. I would be elated to be in your position, but not for the same selfish reasons as yours.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Your a better person then me, seeing as how you volunteer and teach for free.
Last edited by PsyGuy on Mon Aug 20, 2012 7:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ringler24 »

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Post by PsyGuy »

Well you claim I'm only in this for the money, I assumed you being the more noble you taught for free as a volunteer?
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Post by ringler24 »

It's not black and white Psy Guy. I'm not suggesting anyone should not be compensated for their work, but as I stated, a good teacher is in it for more than just that. I have passed up more money and more prestige to work with higher need populations. Ive done that because I love it and I wanted to. Military kids have unique needs and stressors that require teachers who actually care about that and them. You plainly could care less about this and I just wish you would. Not actually expecting what I say to have any impression on you though.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Oh sorry, I guess you meant you would do it for free with all those high risk and special needs kids, if they just didn't force you to take the money. Sorry, my mistake.
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Post by ringler24 »

Again making it totally black and white. Because for you it's just about the money so you can only see it that way.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Well you either take the money or you don't, your either paid or a volunteer. So forgive my blindness, but where's the grey?
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Post by ringler24 »

The grey exists for those who are compensated for their work, but actually care about the chidren they're working with. You're on one end of the spectrum where you're just working to get paid and could care less about the kids. The other end would be someone volunteering their teaching skills. A lot of us fit in the grey area. You've never implied that you do.
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Post by PsyGuy »

So I'm confused, do you take the money or not? I mean if your school came too you tommorow and said "were sorry we are not going to be paying teachers anymore for the rest of the year. No salary, no airfare, no insurance, or housing allowances. The kids really need you though." So just tell me you would say yes, and stay without any compensation and I'll apologize and drop the subject?

I don't make implications, I say what I mean and mean what I say. I'm not shy when I have something I feel is worth sharing.
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