DODDS Hiring Question

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Post by WeDoDude »

So you're saying that your sources are at HQ? LOL, well that explains everything. Just come clean man, you don't know anything about DoDEA. Everything you've learned has been Googled. You are a conartist. Trying to be a big man on a little forum. Whatever floats your boat PG.

And the reason why I don't believe you are an educator, let alone an admin is that you do not seem to have any command of English grammar. You may want to look up the differences between your and you're, as well as their, they're and there.

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Post by PsyGuy »

I NEVER said i worked for DODEA, DoDDS, or DDESS. Im an admin at an international school. I never said which area of DODEA my source is in. There are 6 credentialing specialists at HQ, they are the ones that review application files/documents.

It still makes your information wrong.
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Post by WeDoDude »

It is you that is and has been wrong. And there is not 6 credentialing specialists at HQ, there are 4, one for each area plus HQ.
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Post by ringler24 »

I've been reading along trying to wade through the back and forth. In general some of the arguments have been about semantics and nitty details. IMO PsyGuy you seem to cause quite a stir often on threads. I think you're being cryptic about having a "source" to all this information. I mean why not come out and say "I have this friend in HR". WeDoDude while not naming names has done this. It should be no surprise that people are skeptical of you with the constant mention of a "source" and your lack of written grammatical accuracy. With a supposed PhD and admin position a school it just doesn't seem legit. I'm not trying to ruffle your feathers (nothing seems to anyway), but I can't help but wonder if you're sitting in your basement somewhere in the USA playing roles you don't actually hold.

WeDoDude: thanks again for taking the time to be so responsive. I hope we can keep this thread open for further questions and feedback that will hopefully be directed only at you.
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Post by PsyGuy »

There are 6. You have been wrong throughout this thread, and now your resorting to ad hominem attacks to deflect from your wrong information. You still havent produced a citation that a teaching certificate is required. I have no problem going back and forth repeating that your wrong as often as you want. Rhetoric and oratory are not evidence or data.

This discussion is about a simple issue "Is a teaching certificate required to be qualified for a DoDDS qualification?", the answer is no. There is an alternative path that does not require a certificate.
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Post by WeDoDude »

No, there are 4 and again there is one for each of the 3 areas (America, Europe and Pacific) and 1 for HQ. You continue your awesome streak of being wrong again in the thread.

You claim to have "sources". Okay, where are they within the organization? Are they admin in Europe, America, or the Pacific? What do these "sources" do and what area are they in? I can play that game easily as well, we all can. At least I said what my source did and works.

And this discussion is about getting hired period and I'm telling you that without a state teaching license that just won't happen for you in DoDEA. Not with the amount of applications that we receive and the qualifications that a lot of those teachers have. A principal is not going to interview you without a license because more than likely you won't make it out of HR's vetting process if you're the person selected.

And really? 4:45 AM and you've spent all night posting to a forum about DoDEA? No way you are who you say you are as most of your posts come at this time. So either you're a robot that requires no sleep, or you don't live where you say that you do.
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Post by ChoirGuy »

Even I'M enjoying this thread for the entertainment value! Both of you are hilarious on this one...though, the comedy comes mostly from WeDoDude, who stated (about 8 posts ago) that he would 'leave this conversation' with a link...and then he proceeded to continuing arguing with PsyGuy. At least we KNOW PsyGuy is a bit confrontational, but WeDoDude, let it go! You've basically won the debate (of COURSE people with licenses will get looked at first; PsyGuy is just sayin' that they MIGHT get looked at without one, and he's right, because MIGHT means 'possibly' which is (basically) always right.

Discerning readers on here will agree with you on all things EXCEPT that PsyGuy is 'wrong' to say the MIGHT be looked at. Sadly, he's's just that most people don't care about his 0.1% (no, PsyGuy, I have no proof of that number), they will care about your 99.9% WITH licenses (no, I don't have any proof of THAT number, either).

I'm gonna go read about the letter to the Admin now!
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Post by WeDoDude »

Your right CG, I should have left when I said that I would. Slow day today and I really don't want people getting the wrong idea about DoDEA.

For fun my counterpart in my department, who is a whiz with Excel and has also been following this thread, went in a looked at all 80 pages of PsyGuy's posts and pulled the times as he was curious if PG was actually in Denmark, which is GMT + 2:00 right now and was GMT + 1:00 in the fall and winter months. Interestingly enough he found that PG makes the majority of his posts when it's between 1 AM and 6 AM in Denmark. That's a lot of sleepless nights.

Interestingly when it's 1 AM - 6 AM on the central, to east coasts of the United States, PG's posts go way, way down, to like 1, or 2 in the 80 pages of samples. Hmmmm...
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Post by PsyGuy »

No its not about getting hired. This post is about an OP who is in the process of getting his certificate and the issue is if his current lack of one would be a problem in being reviewed, and since a certificate isnt required to be qualified it wont hinder his activation. Again, a certificate is not required to be qualified by DoDDS.

Of course without a certificate he wont be marketable, or competitive but thats a different question and altogether separate issue. Which ive commented and written about before (and i agree with you, a lack of a certificate will not get you a interviewed or a job offer).

No there are 6 credentialing specialist and I do not reveal the identities of my sources. My allegiance is to them and not you.

Your wrong on the times by the way, the times YOU see are based on your system settings and preferences. You will see all posts respective of those times. For instance all time codes I see are GMT +2 hours, that means your last post was at 6:50am.
Last edited by PsyGuy on Wed May 23, 2012 1:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by WeDoDude »

Really? At the bottom of the forum page it says All times are GMT. Hmmm. Even when logged in the time that I see is set to GMT, which I can look up. What's your answer for that?

And of course it's not about getting hired. Why on earth would anyone want to know about that. It's only about applying. I'm sure that's exactly what the OP wanted to know. How to apply for the job. Who cares about getting the job when you can just apply for it. That'll pay your bills...

And I know the name of your source. Google...
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Post by PsyGuy »

At the top of the page click on profile, scroll to the bottom you will see a setting to set your time zone. Select a differnet one, save and return to the forum. All your times have changed and it will say GMT +/- how ever many hours. This has come up on the forum before.

I dont pretend to read minds, i respond to and address the issues as presented. I focus on the merits of the specific discussion. In this case the issue is "Is a state certificate required to be considered qualified for DoDDS", the answer to that question is no. Any other inferences, are issues of your own creation, which im happy to discuss, thats what this forum is for.

My human source already answered this issue for me a while ago in another instance. There was no need to go beyond the published information on the DODEA website, because its published by the primary source, and clearly supports my position. There isnt a need in this case for insider information. This is the DOD, there is ALWAYS a documented order, directive, regulation, or policy. Its how the military works. If your position was right youd just be able to post or copy paste the source, your email source quoted nothing more then what was already on the webpage and doesnt support your position.

Yes im technically correct and you can dismiss that as trivial if you like, but technically correct is like being only technically pregnant.
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Post by Dunany »

PG, you are unbelievable.....literally.
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Post by lifeisnotsobad »

Dear help!
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Post by WeDoDude »

What's funny is that by and large the response to him is overly negative and yet he continues to post as though people are actually taking his advice.

A source told me that he is married to a teacher, but isn't actually one himself.

Okay, I don't really have a source. I just wanted to say I did to see if it made me sound like I actually knew more than I did. Nope, only made me feel dumb...
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Post by ringler24 »

Well since you each have sources, Psy Guy and WeDoDude, can one of them check on the note in my file from "SR" over at HR? As I mentioned they asked me to change my application available date to 2012/2013 and I can't do that due to missing the deadline. I tried emailing, but maybe one of the DODDEA sources you guys know could help me. FYI this was for "Elementary Spanish" and my email starts with the same beginning as my user name on here.
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