Post age on resume?

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Posts: 26
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Post age on resume?

Post by splendid »

I recently had someone look at my resume, which has my picture on it. In order for recruiters not to toss my resume aside because of age restrictions, they recommended that I post my age on my resume to ensure they knew I was within the age-hiring requirements for their country. Thoughts?
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Post by PsyGuy »

If you have a demographics line/space on your resume you could put it there, otherwise it would go early in your cover/introduction letter/message.

As to putting your age itself, if you're in your 20s absolutely. 30s maybe, but its probably worth it. 40s more likely it will do more harm than good, and anything 50 or over no.

As to it being an issue of age restrictions its really more just age discrimination. If youre a white, skinny, pretty, 20 something women you basically want to be sending an 8x10 glossy and really up selling that. The reality is there are so many ways to figure out what your age is without directly asking for it (when did you graduate uni, how long your work history is, the copy of the inside cover of your passport) that you may as well just make it easy for them to start with if your age range is anywhere on the side of desirable. For that matter you should put any demographic thats desirable out there: young, white, no kids, US/UK/AUS/CAN nationality, anything that identifies you as part of the "colonial" demographic.
Posts: 26
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Re: Post age on resume?

Post by splendid »

Thanks for your response.
Posts: 320
Joined: Sat May 11, 2013 7:56 am

Re: Post age on resume?

Post by mamava »

No pictures, no age. Schools can guesstimate your age by a lot of other things on your cv. Pictures give a snap first impression (positive or negative) that you may not want.
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