How long to wait?

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How long to wait?

Post by froggle »

How long is the longest you’ve ever had to wait for an offer after a final interview for an international school?

I haven’t heard anything for a week and am wondering if this means I’ve definitely been unsuccessful…
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Re: How long to wait?

Post by Banter1584 »

If they want you then they will let you know sooner rather rather than later, usually from my experience no longer than 2 days after my final interview. 2nd choice candidates wait longer as the school waits for an answer from the preferred candidate which may depend on the deadline set by the school, usually a week.
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Post by PsyGuy »

The rule is when an IS wants you they act like they want you. If youre the first choice a few days to maybe a week at most. If youre the second choice around two weeks.
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Re: How long to wait?

Post by Whisight97 »

Once, I had to wait almost 2 weeks. I didn't even expect to get this position, but they still called me back. They said that they could not decide on a candidate for a long time. Therefore, if you were told the deadline, and it has already expired, I think it is perfectly acceptable to remind yourself of yourself in a polite letter.
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