THAILAND/VIETNAM : Chances of getting hired in our current situation?

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THAILAND/VIETNAM : Chances of getting hired in our current situation?

Post by Ally2900 »

Hi All

My partner and I are both qualified teachers from the UK. We are both desperate to get out of the UK, and teach abroad. This would be a long-term move for both of us with no intention of returning home anytime soon. My partner has more than 3 years experience working at varies secondary schools in the UK as an unqualified teacher. He also has experience working abroad in America. We both obtained our PGCE last year, and my partner is
currently doing this NQT year (started in January) at a very tough specialist school and he hates it. The stress is killing him, and is affecting his mental health. The reason he is staying there is because he is a Maths and Science lead, and this job could open doors internationally. I agree - but still believe that if we manage to get over there, we will be able to network and we'll find work regardless.

I haven't been able to secure an NQT post, but have experience working in Asia teaching ESL, and would be happy to do that for a year or so.

I have heard that schools are only hiring from within their home countries at the moment due to COVID. A teacher told me that a top tier school in Thailand had to hire an unqualified teacher because it was impossible to hire from overseas. Not sure how true that is. Anyone know? What do you think my partner's chances are to secure a job at an international school if we managed to get over there when restrictions are lifted in May? Will his 3 years experiences count prior to his PGCE?

Also, we have a nine year old child. I understand that some schools might not provide a free school place, but we are happy to place her in an international school ourselves. Is this possible to do on a dependent visa? We have 50K saved to cover those expenses until we receive a better package after building up our careers.

Sorry for all the questions. Any advice on our current situation would be appreciated.
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Re: THAILAND/VIETNAM : Chances of getting hired in our current situation?

Post by shadowjack »

Hi Ally,

your husband, after a couple of years, will be a good candidate with his experience. You, without NQT and with no experience, being "happy to teach ESL" are likely to fall into a trap of being labelled as this, and not offered a post.

My advice is after your husband completes this year, look to make a move to a different school in an area where you CAN get an NQT position. Or, bite the bullet and you go to where the job is and see each other weekends or holidays until you complete your NQT year.

After that - go. Don't pay to put your child in a school - that should be covered. Don't settle for ESL - and here's a clue - in most schools now, it is ELL, EAL, but not ESL. There is a wide range of understanding about language acquisition and second or third or fourth language learners.

Good luck whichever choice you make!
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Re: THAILAND/VIETNAM : Chances of getting hired in our current situation?

Post by unsure »

What are you qualified to teach ? There are overseas schools that will take on NQTs.
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Re: THAILAND/VIETNAM : Chances of getting hired in our current situation?

Post by drosophila »

This year is not a good year to teach abroad. Personally, I have a job waiting for me in China which I am extremely pessimist in getting into the country. I will have to forget about it as the waiting game of getting vaccination, international borders opening and etc are so troublesome. I hate COVID!
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Re: THAILAND/VIETNAM : Chances of getting hired in our current situation?

Post by sciteach »

Thailand and Vietnam are quite competitive in the best of years - but it's even worse this year due to closed borders and reduced student numbers.

Also do not underestimate the stress which can come from taking a job at a bad international school. Not living in a country with a family support system can be very taxing.
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Re: THAILAND/VIETNAM : Chances of getting hired in our current situation?

Post by Philzim »

"A teacher told me that a top tier school in Thailand had to hire an unqualified teacher because it was impossible to hire from overseas."

I'm very surprised to hear this. All of the BKK schools, that I know of, have hired qualified teachers from overseas this year, hiring from overseas doesn't seem to be a huge issue. Sure they'll probably have to do quarantine, but this is probably going to be for a shorter period of time than those teachers who joined us in Aug 2020 (who did the full 15 day ASQ).

I don't know what type of school in Thailand you would be employed at without NQT. At a CIS accredited school I'm fairly sure that they would want at least a couple of years experience. Any of the top 10 schools in BKK have very few problems hiring people with good experience.

My advice would be to get NQT+ 2 yrs in the UK, and then look to move overseas. With 3 yrs of qualified experience you will have a better choice of schools. More importantly you will have sufficient UK experience to bring perspective to the international sector, perspective is oh so crucial when you're working in an IS.
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Re: THAILAND/VIETNAM : Chances of getting hired in our current situation?

Post by Asteger »

A bit of your discussion (original post) hinges on black/white designations of being 'qualified' or not and NQT which, like QTS, become less relavant abroad - outside perhaps of the 'internationalised British' schools using the England NC, which could well be your target. If that is the case, although I do not work at such a school, my impression is any pre-qualification experience would would certainly be a plus, def not a negative, but not be taken 'too seriously' often, as unfair as that can be. I would say so long as you have a basic qualification - your PGCEs - you can tick the legal box for work visa requirements which is 1 of the 2 main things. NQT years or QTS's may make some people/schools happy, but along with having a 'qualification' which is much more important often is just a track record of experience and references. There are quite a few accomplished people in schools with what might seem to be inadequate qualifications within your national system, yet with a good professional 'pedigree' which has got them good positions in time.

Agree with the post above that, getting a first 2-3 years experience in your home country is a good stepping stone, if you are beginning your journey from your home country.

Side note: Those not brought up in the system of QTS and NQTs tend not to know what they are, nor be interested. Those who have come from that system tend to overemphasise them and assume others know what they're talking about when they don't. They're not international qualifications, and other countries may have similar designations/qualifications which are not discussed as much or known or assumed to be known.

You also asked about your 9-year-old son. Well, visa situations will very much depend on the country you go to. I am not sure about Thailand or Vietnam, but usually your son would enter on your dependent visa in most countries. As a student attending an international school of some type, in some countries he may be an accompanied student on a student visa.
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