Lesson demos

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Lesson demos

Post by kellysensei »

The ISS-Schrole virtual fair next week will be my first ever job fair, and I'm starting to get nervous!

I'm wondering if schools expect you to prepare a 10-15 minute lesson demo as part of the interview process? Should I have a lesson or two ready to go, or will it be okay to send them a link to a quick lesson I've uploaded to YouTube? Not sure yet how I'm going to present a lesson virtually, especially if I can't share my screen!
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Re: Lesson demos

Post by shadowjack »

Most schools don't ask and those that do make it a requirement of application (such as Chadwick, in Korea).

No need - lesson demos are more of a British thing.
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Post by PsyGuy »

No you dont need a demo, that really the whole point of virtual fairs.
That said I support having a digital portfolio which the video component should include at a minimum 1) a teaching demo and 2) An asynchronous interview. Other video pieces depending on subject could include recitals, productions, athletic events/games, science/technology competitions, MUN, etc. and some stills to round out the media component. Of course youd also want a document component: application documents, lesson plan, block plan, reteach/differentiation/Sp.P plan, curriculum map, assessment, etc.
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Re: Lesson demos

Post by shadowjack »

Never had a digital portfolio or portfolio (I'm not an art teacher). Never been asked for one. Never presented one. Got jobs.

Portfolios or teacher binders are maybe more of a British or domestic teaching thing? Nobody I know of every used them - except the art teachers :-)
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Re: Lesson demos

Post by kellysensei »

I will not burn the midnight oil, then, and get a lesson demo ready for this week's job fair. I'll just prepare myself to talk about what I do in a typical lesson.

Thank you!
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Re: Lesson demos

Post by seinfeld »

Always good to have a teaching portfolio but I wouldn't scramble to record lessons now. If you get further on in an interview process, some bigger schools (eg. UWCSEA) will ask you to record a lesson.
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Re: Lesson demos

Post by expatscot »

Never had a digital or even paper portfolio - never been asked for one either (personally, I wonder where people who put those together actually find the time to do it!)
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