International School of Belgrade - ISB- Tips

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International School of Belgrade - ISB- Tips

Post by maja92bg »

Hello everyone!
I am about to have my Bachelor's in education and right now I am researching my options for Teaching Certificates, before applying for International School of Belgrade in Serbia.

Anyone who works/worked there?
Which Universities teaching certificate should I seek for?
I speak Serbian fluently too, is that a plus?
Any other tips would help, please :)

Thanks in advance !
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Post by PsyGuy »

Have you contacted ISB and asked them what credential or certificate they would want for someone of your nationality to teach in their IS?

Do they speak Serbian in Belgrade, Serbia? If they do it will probably help, more importantly how is your English, since thats their language of instruction?
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Re: Inquiry

Post by MusicTravel30 »

PsyGuy wrote:
> Do they speak Serbian in Belgrade, Serbia? \

Is this a serious question?
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Re: International School of Belgrade - ISB- Tips

Post by shadowjack »

You're just graduating as a teacher. What is their policy? I suspect, if they are like most International Schools, it is 2 years experience. So get some domestic experience, and then apply. Don't be surprised that, if you have some connection locally, like spouse of passport, that they pass on hiring you. Hiring a domestic teacher can bring a lot of grief when two year contracts end and the teacher then puts in a labor case. Not saying you would, but at some schools this becomes problematic.
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