thailand-teacher website legitimate?

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thailand-teacher website legitimate?

Post by travelbug »

Dear All
I am wondering if anyone has heard of or registered with and if this is a legitimate agency?
I was contacted by one Peter Brown from Cognizant Consulting Ltd., through linked in, and registered on their website but received no acknowledgement whatsoever. I feel really dumb for having done so, there should have been some confirmation of my registering.
I would appreciate advice as to what to do now, I have a bad feeling about this. I even uploaded my c.v. when I registered, which was required in order to view their job listings.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Legitimate in what way? Its a one man shop, set up in a virtual office space (a mail drop a receptionist and some rent-able offices by the hour) in HK, thats been around for a little more than a year. Peter is an aggregator or SIS (speculative introduction service). He takes your profile and pushes it out to the DE and ESOL space from aggregated job boards. He takes your resume, strips it of identifiers and aggregates into a brief profile and then using a spider (a web based bot, that culls the email addresses of vacancy postings of various job banks and recruiting sites) that he then contacts vie a mass email. If someone bites he sets up an "account" with the IS, and essentially sells them your contact information. His ISs are basically ESs or DSs with EP or EAP programs. He has to bank his coin so for the introduction if the IS hires you, they give him a portion of what your salary would be usually one month or 10% so one of their ISs that would offer you B¥40K/mth would instead offer you BT¥36K/mth. The vacancies wouldnt be anything you wouldnt find on Ajarn or Daves.

Is that legitimate or scammy? Its not like hes really doing anything, he doesnt have any special relationships, he doesnt really have any clients. Most of the work is all digital automation and some translation/interpretation, and for that hes going to bank USD$1-2K that would otherwise be your coin. What hes not doing is charging you a fee and taking your coin with promises of great opportunity and then ghosting you. Its just all speculative, if there isnt any interest in your profile, it just sits there, and hes not out anything (as he promises you nothing). Its just a very pricey, match making business for ESOL.
Posts: 6
Joined: Sat May 30, 2015 12:13 am

Re: thailand-teacher website legitimate?

Post by travelbug »

Thank you, PsyGuy

You have put my mind at rest, somewhat.

BTW, I have read many of your postings on various threads, and I think you are an asset to this website.

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