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SE Asia International Schools - Cambodia - Myanmar

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 11:19 am
by Guest
I'm looking for information on SE Asia international schools, particualrly those in Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar. I've found very little to even no information on other teachers boards.

Of two schools in particular, one is in Myanmar and ran by a Canadian company called EJ Canada (actually EJ Canada is just an ESL program, so I've heard).

The other school in Cambodia, and is called Zaman International School.
Has anyone worked for these schools? They seem professional and there were indications that other teachers seemed to think they were good, but when I asked for details, they would be vague and say that they had heard it from a friend of a friend, etc.

Any information on working at these schools would be appreciated.


Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 8:47 am
by Guest 3
I live and work here in Yangon, Myanmar and have not heard of the school you mentioned. It is a small enough country that we know about all of the international schools. Perhaps this is an adult ESL school? Where is it located in Myanmar?


Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 12:09 am
by gguest
i teach in cambodia and know of only two true international schools, both in phnom penh: ISPP and Northbridge (NISC). There are many schools that call themselves international, but that means very little.

myanmar schools

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 10:22 pm
by jekalo
I work at an international school in Yangon. There is only one international school that is recognized by the government here and that is ISY. There are otheres such as YIS, YIEC and DSY. The only one that does not have trouble retaining staff is ISY because it has the most diplomatic support, funding and offers by far the most benefits for both faculty and students. YIEC is known as a one contract only school as most teachers leave either after or even before their first contract is over. Nuff said. YIS is getting better but is a for profit school which means they will cut corners when they can but have better relations with the teachers than at YIEC.