Stamford American International School

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Stamford American International School

Post by Rich123 »

Does anyone have any helpful information about working in Singapore, specifically at Stamford American International School? Thank you.
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Post by PsyGuy »

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What about SG as a region would you specifically like addressed?

SG is hot and humid, its an island with a very high and modern standard of living. Its much like living in a mall or a tropical resort. SG is one of the most expensive region to live in globally (THE most expensive in Asia) beating out the long time forerunner JP. Minimum salary needed to survive is SGD5000$, and a 1LDK apartment/flat that isnt a house or room share will start around SGD2500$.

English is an official language and all public services use or make English available, making the city state easily accessible. There are a mix of 4 distinct cultures, but coin is every residents common culture. SG doesnt really have any natural resources, their economy is a finance and knowledge culture, Education is taken very seriously, and is very unforgiving in the domestic education side. Each year the MOE advertises for foreign teaching vacancies. The culture is very competitive, and success (the 5 Cs) are a standard everyone aspires to meet. Despite this many will never afford to buy property or a car, clothes and electronics are the main status objects.

Culinary cuisine is representative of the 4 cultures, and there are inexpensive (but safe and very good) food stalls in the city and extremely high end dining options as well. Its cheaper to eat out most of the time than it is to cook and prepare meals at home.

SG is a very safe city, its a police state they have laws against congregating in large groups, spitting, not flushing the toilet, etc. Punishments tend to be harsh, and corporal punishment in the form of canings are still used. Its a very ordered society. Medical care is 1st world, the government is organized and generally efficient. If something breaks in your apartment/flat it will be fixed the same day. The metro is inexpensive, clean, efficient, safe and highly reliable. They count the number of foreseeable off time (late) connections in the single digit per year, and those times are off by fractions of a minute.
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Re: Stamford American International School

Post by adminpaul »

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