Objective Opinions on Recruiting Confusion

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Objective Opinions on Recruiting Confusion

Post by WiseTeach »

I was contacted by a small European school for an admin position about a two months ago. They requested an interview. I met with the HOS via Skype and it was a great interview. His parting words..."I think you will be a great fit here, you will be hearing from us again." Then a follow up e-mail encouraging me to contact him with any questions I had. I thanked him for the interview, and asked about salary range, which he sent me. Then nothing. Weeks went by with no word and the position still advertised.

I e-mailed him at Christmas break with a proposal that would make me a good candidate for his school. No response. Friday morning I got an e-mail from him with a short greeting and one sentence... "what days and times would be good for a second interview?" I responded with some suggestions. Nothing back from him. Other than thoughts about organization ... what thoughts occur? (PsyGuy - not interested in your point of view. Thanks for understanding)
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Post by PsyGuy »

The rule is when an IS wants you, they act like they want you.
The first HOS response was just being polite they were parting words of encouragement. When a recruiter states to ask any questions, its not the point to discuss contract negotiations. They were evaluating where your priorities were, and we soliciting questions regarding the IS (infrastructure, finances, organization, student population, ethos, strategy). You may have turned the HOS off by suggesting your priority is personal gain. At that point the HOS continued looking. It appears they are still interested, as they likely havent found anyone they like better. At this point they want to explore where your enthusiasm and motivation are. They want to see what value your going to offer.
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Re: Objective Opinions on Recruiting Confusion

Post by mamava »

I would agree with Psyguy. When a school is organized, focused, and sees someone they like, they move fast because they don't know how long that candidate will be available. It does sound in your case that either the school is not very organized possibly (something to probe in a further interview), or that they had other candidates they looked at first, and now they're back to you. If you are still interested, go for it. It's not the worst thing in the world to not be a school's first choice (or even 2nd) because once you hit the classroom, you can be more than what they expected. If you want the shot, take it--be positive and sell yourself, ask good questions to understand the school the best that you can, and good luck!
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Post by PsyGuy »


The LW cited this as a admin [leadership] vacancy.
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