Best countries for teacher with teenaged child / no vaccination

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Best countries for teacher with teenaged child / no vaccination

Post by Maree »

Hi there,
I'm looking at teaching internationally in the next 12 months. I'll have my then-16yo daughter with me. We're looking for a place that does not require any vaccinations (I believe only South America and Africa deny entry based on vax status for Yellow Fever, but I'm happy to be corrected on this).

I'm late 40's with about 10 years' Australian teaching experience - not sure if age impacts opportunities, or if any countries have restrictions on age for working. I'm not really looking for a career position (but am happy to work hard of course), more an experience for both of us and a way to save a bit of money and travel.

I'm primary qualified, but I tutor up to grade 10 extension Maths and English, so I'd be happy to teach high school. I'm also multi-lingual (and have taught Mandarin in a primary school) but a bit rusty in all but English.

What have people's experiences been regarding experiences and opportunities for their teens while overseas? I'm happy to go just about anywhere but want to make sure my daughter is safe and has a positive school experience while we're there.

Thanks in advance for your input!
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Re: Best countries for teacher with teenaged child / no vaccination

Post by sciteach »

I'm not trying to be judgy - but if your child is starting Grade 11/12, it might be a better idea to wait until they have finished until you move overseas.

When people complete DP/AP/A'Levels overseas, choosing the right school is kind of important and moving countries for the first time with a new educational system is stressful. There is also a reason why many international schools have limited movement in numbers during Grade 11/12 - it's because parents don't move during these 2 years of education.
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Re: Best countries for teacher with teenaged child / no vaccination

Post by Maree »

Thanks for your perspective sciteach, I appreciate it. It is something we've considered, and I've looked at alternative university entry options for her desired university course. She was homeschooled for a couple of years until this year, so we're really comfortable with flexible learning options and alternative pathways. She feels the international experience will benefit her more than the stability of staying at school in Australia for another year. I would be interested in hearing from anyone whose child has used the IB curriculum for senior years, as that's one of her options for university entry.
Thanks again.
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Re: Best countries for teacher with teenaged child / no vaccination

Post by expatscot »

I actually agree with sciteach. We deliberately stayed put rather than move ahead of my daughter's two senior years (Y12 & 13 in the English system) as the school she was at was right for her and we didn't want to risk anything which might disrupt that. (She did A Levels, but I taught at another school which did IBDP.) It might also be that, having been homeschooled for a while, your daughter might also need a bit of time readjusting to school - I wonder whether it might be better for her to go into, say, Grade 10 to give a year to adjust before IBDP? (note - you'd need to be looking at an IB school which does MYP, as it's more difficult to go into G10/Y11 of an IGCSE school as they are halfway through the course.)

In terms of your experience, I don't see a problem, though.
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Re: Best countries for teacher with teenaged child / no vaccination

Post by sciteach »

Many people who don't teach overseas don't realize just how different the educational system can be along with the pressures of living overseas. Removing family and friendship bonds is a big one - which is why I would err on the side of caution. Plus - if your coming from an Australian system then there is a different school year (August) to consider.

If you complete DP, this is much different than HSC or VCE with a lot more hoops to jump through. Also - some schools have absolutely shocking teachers and you don't know until you get there.

As you also teach Primary - you will be teaching a position with a lot of people looking for jobs and you come with an increased cost (a kid!) which means you are less employable than say a single or teaching couple without kids. You'll probably get a job - but it comes down to more where you can get a job which pays enough, has a decent living and has enough quality so that your kids education does not suffer. For me - I'd be ok with sending my kid to an average school during Grade 6-8 but not in Grade 11/12. That's my big thing. I'd also read more about which system will suit your child better from DP, A Levels etc.
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Re: Best countries for teacher with teenaged child / no vaccination

Post by TobyAdam »

Teaching internationally sounds like a wonderful adventure for you and your daughter! Many countries welcome experienced teachers and offer enriching experiences for teens. For places without stringent vaccination requirements, consider Asia or Europe. Safety, quality education, and a supportive expat community are key factors. Best of luck on your exciting journey!
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