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Post by SIBBSIBB »

COBIS did an evlauation of the school I am at and made deragatory comments about me as a teacher to the head of school. I think the comments were wrong but that is beside the point. Is it the remit of COBIS inspectors to evaluate teachers and give feedback to the head of school?
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Post by PsyGuy »

Short Answer: Yes

Long Answer:
Sure. The term inspector is a rather generic term. COBIS inspectors (evaluators) who carry out membership inspections (evaluations) to gain COBIS membership isnt the same as a BSO inspection carried out on behalf of the Dfe. COBIS isnt any more an accreditation than COIS is, they are just a club/association that an IS can join. In that regard a COBIS inspector (evaluator) can absolutely provide both official (formal written) and unofficial (informal verbal) feedback to an ISs leadership on whatever observations they deem prudent. The IS is the client and COBIS will happily provide whatever data and report an IS wants and pays the coin for. If a COBIS inspector (evaluator) makes an unsolicited comment to leadership in whatever type of setting and context as long as its not published there isnt anything an IT can really do about it, the IS is the client not the IT. There isnt a rule or regulation that would forbid an inspector (evaluator) from relaying an observation they had. What leadership does with that and what it means for you might provide you some recourse, but people saying things about you that you dont like or agree with is just part and parcel of being in edu. You will at any time find someone who has something negative they think or say about you personally or professionally. You need to add some Teflon to your back so those types of communications slide off and to the wayside. If you dont cultivate some enemies in edu youre probably not doing anything noteworthy, though many ITs make an entire career out of doing the bobble head and being beneath notice. Now if your leader calls you to the line to account for mean girl behavior thats another story.
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