Search Associates - white people only?

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Re: Search Associates - white people only?

Post by Innsbruckave »

goblinhunter wrote:
> tangchao wrote:
> > Well we can see things haven't gone her way and she's immediately calling
> > people racist. I'd avoid her like the plague.
> I could doxx myself but your account is new, so I don’t want to rub in my success at
> the direct approach, but I do want to ask why you won’t comment about reasons for
> rejection? Because there are none. They don’t want to put in the effort to convince a
> school to take on someone who isn’t white.
> ..applying for search associates has no visual or audio element. They can’t judge my
> personality and say I’m a basket case and reject me as my references are great, and
> I’m more than qualified. They do ask for my photograph though :) I suppose looking
> at many Search Associates staff lists and seeing only one or two teachers in hard to
> fill spots is another damning point you won’t consider. From my own experiences, I
> know some incredible schools who discriminate openly due to the perception that a
> British person can only truly be ‘white’ - but to see it from a company like this is
> shameful.
> it’s weird to see people who don’t seem to know what the signup process is and blame
> me for supposedly missing details. You are assigned a recruiter and they ask for your
> CV multiple times, you provide all previous schools - if my references are bad, then
> why have I been offered other positions are schools people on this site salivate
> about?
> No reason was provided, I asked them to elaborate, and I was given a reason that I
> wouldn’t be competitive. This matches what was said by the SearchAssociates
> whistleblower, who said that they’re told it’s not worth wasting time on people of
> colour. I suppose this explains the white teachers who are principals with only a

Be in the face, look in the eyes and call out a bully.
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Re: Search Associates - white people only?

Post by Innsbruckave »

I have never used search. I hate the gate keeping of it all. I don’t pay for recruitment services, ever. Until last year, because I was desperate and felt vulnerable. I’m older, I was out for a year, I was concerned. I paid for Schrole and also used TES. I got loads of interviews through them. I took a position that was on Schrole, but in reality I got it through connections. A former colleague helped support my application. So, there it is. It’s who you know, for people like me, I rely on it. My partner is a white male Math teacher schools fight over him.
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Re: Search Associates - white people only?

Post by shadowjack »

goblinhunter - when you applied for search, did you go through apli or did you actually go through the registration process? The reason I ask is that they are different - schools ask for apli, but you do not need to be a member of Search. Search registration gets you full access to the Search site.

There is a difference. As to Japan - schools prefer European/American teachers, and Caucasian is the preference. That said - it may be that the school laid down a very precise description of what they wanted and this was communicated to Search. That has been known to happen. Search is under no obligation to tell you why you weren't considered for the position - to get that information, try reaching out to the school directly.

Sorry you had this experience - knowing why we weren't considered helps us along the way.
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Post by PsyGuy »

The LW clearly stated in the OP that they hold "NPQs/Masters/PGCE QTS". A PGCE is an academic qualification and QTS is a professional grade regular credential. That and their experience certainly meets the conditions for SA registration.

Its possible someone sabotaged a reference, but all of them? If not and SA wanted to work with a candidate, they would either advise them to remove the offending reference and/or supply a new/different one. Its less likely they would comment on the unlikelihood of being hired with that scenario as their excuse.

The assignment process is more a matter of self selection then assignment, you complete they entry questionnaire and depending on factors you select your placed with the associate that either represents a particular group (such as interns, etc.) or its based on the location you select. You can select different regions depending on who you want based off of trial and error or looking at the associates profiles. SA will never mail you anything (with rare exceptions). Though it is up to that associate to accept you.

Did the LW pay the coin for registration? Its an odd scenario as @SJ indicated. If the LW paid the coin and their account was created than they dont need an associate to put them forward for the position, they just login and apply. If SA didnt activate the profile at all did they refund the registration fee (if the LW registered through the UK office there would be no fee to refund)?

I dont disagree with @ThamesPirate about the yuckiness of gatekeeping, but ISs register with premium agencies, and pay the coin for them, for exactly that reason, to stem the tide at the gate, especially for highly desirable roles and regions (such as JP).

This is really two issues that worked against the LW in synergy. One its a very narrow applicant search (consisting of a single application), that just isnt worth SAs time. The candidate doesnt fit the profile the IS is likely looking for even if that profile consists of an esthetic quality wholly absent of merit, so SA and the associate isnt going to make anything off of it, and its work to service a profile and candidate who has little or no activity. The other is that racism is a very alive, and in many countries very valid characteristic for recruiting and staffing. ISs are selling a product to parents, the parents are customers, the IS the broker, and yes, the IT is the commodity. In many of these cultures parents expect and can demand that their childrens ITs look a certain way, just as they can get the color of automobile they want they feel no different about applying the same selection criteria when it comes to people. IE has been and still is very much dominated by white people, and colonial edu is perceived as the superior brand. As deplorable as it is, and despite various agencies and organizations in IE pressing for equality non of it changes who is paying the coin and ultimately who the decision maker in this complex web really is.
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