How would you answer these interview questions?

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How would you answer these interview questions?

Post by cdmxpaisa »

1) What is your teaching philosophy?

2) What is your teaching style?

3) What are your weaknesses?

4) How do you use technology in class?

5) What is the most important component of teaching? (curriculum, standards, management, etc)

6) How do you motivate students?

7) How do you use differentiation in class?

8) What are the most important measures of safeguarding?

9) How do you manage behavior?

10) How do you keep up to date with PD / best practices?
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Re: How would you answer these interview questions?

Post by Innsbruckave »

Use ChatGPT, give it a prompt regarding your skills and experience and it'll spit something out to get you started.
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Re: How would you answer these interview questions?

Post by Heliotrope »

How I would answer would partly be influenced by which school I'm applying to, in so far that it would determine what I would emphasize and what I might downplay. Know your audience.
Apart from that, I've noticed schools prefer you to use examples from your classroom to illustrate your answers, so don't keep it too abstract/theoretical but be sure to also use anecdotes that show how it played out in real life. Everyone can come up with a right answer, but if you show that you've actually walked the walk it will make more of an impression.
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Re: How would you answer these interview questions?

Post by shadowjack »

Best answers after the questions...

1) What is your teaching philosophy? Less is better.

2) What is your teaching style? It changes with the fashion.

3) What are your weaknesses? My eyesight and tripping over things.

4) How do you use technology in class? To teach and learn

5) What is the most important component of teaching? (curriculum, standards, management, etc) Students, because without them, you're not teaching.

6) How do you motivate students? By pulling the lever to drop students who give wrong answers into the bubbling pot of oil.

7) How do you use differentiation in class? It's different for each student...

8) What are the most important measures of safeguarding? Um, L, W, and H. Also perhaps π. If you're looking for a formula, BXW÷2 x H

9) How do you manage behavior? I take prozac.

10) How do you keep up to date with PD / best practices? I reread my college texts on teaching.

And there you have it - your interview question answers.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Do your own assignments.

1) What is your teaching philosophy? Inquiry based with a focus on cumulative production outcomes (student success) while engaging in formative assessment to both identify teaching opportunities and summative assessment to identify student strength and weaknesses.

2) What is your teaching style? A whole student focused Socratic teaching adaptation derived from student learning styles.

3) What are your weaknesses? Im a perfectionist who is always trying to get that last bit of performance from myself and my students.

4) How do you use technology in class? To maximize attention to students individual learning differences. technology allows me to be the kind of teacher each of my students need.

5) What is the most important component of teaching? (curriculum, standards, management, etc). Patience, and empathy. Before my students can believe in themselves academically they need to feel that they are believed in.

6) How do you motivate students? I use a token economy to recognize individual student success.

7) How do you use differentiation in class? I focus class time on general instruction and then outside class I keep in contact with students to address individual needs with adaptive learning strategies.

8) What are the most important measures of safeguarding? Privacy Protection. The most common safeguarding failure is protecting student privacy among students.

9) How do you manage behavior? By implementing procedures and routines early in the year while providing experiential learning activities at the core of my teaching methods that keep students focused and on task.

10) How do you keep up to date with PD / best practices? By enrolling in and completing PD opportunities on best practices in education depending on my provided professional development budget.
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Re: How would you answer these interview questions?

Post by expatscot »

(Before I start - these are not the answers I would give......)

1) What is your teaching philosophy?
Students get the work done.

2) What is your teaching style?
Chalk and talk. Can't get past the sound of my own voice.

3) What are your weaknesses?

4) How do you use technology in class?
I have a collection of slide rules, and one Texas Instruments calculator which is about an inch thick. Neither come into much use, as I teach English.

5) What is the most important component of teaching? (curriculum, standards, management, etc)

6) How do you motivate students?
Sticks usually work, failing which flying blackboard dusters.

7) How do you use differentiation in class?
The kids who don't understand it sit at the table in the corner so that it's easy for me (and everyone else) to remember who they are.

8) What are the most important measures of safeguarding?
Don't get caught.

9) How do you manage behavior?
See (6).

10) How do you keep up to date with PD / best practices?
Sitting in the corner of the staffroom with my colleagues.

You know, THAT corner. The one where you don't touch the coffee cups under pain of death.

(Thinking back, I have actually worked with a number of teachers who could answer at least two of those questions that way, if they were being truthful in an interview - and I'm old enough to have experienced (6) and (9) during my own school years!)
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