COVID Vaccination requirements in Thailand, Singapore, & SE Asia

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COVID Vaccination requirements in Thailand, Singapore, & SE Asia

Post by ABunDance »

Hello, what are the current government and/or school requirements regarding the COVID vaccines in South East Asia?

For example, Singapore and Thailand:

From what I can see on the Singapore government website, they are still required in order to obtain a work permit.

From what I can see on the Thai government website, they aren't required for entry to the country, but work visa requirements are not stated (re: COVID vaccination).

Does anyone have more up-to-date knowledge and/or experience?
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Post by PsyGuy »

Are you specifically interested in SG and TH or do you really want someone to do all the research for all of Asia for you?

Not that theres anything wrong with that. I firmly support the method. One of the easiest ways to get the internet to do my work for me is to make a stupid post online, something like AI will soon replace edus in the classroom, as edus are relegated to monitor roles and training the AI. Then wait for all the exposition, argument, and data showing thats wrong and stupid to come pouring in. Then paste that into ChatGPT or Bard, put it in a binder, and done.

Just looking for clarification.
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Re: COVID Vaccination requirements in Thailand, Singapore, & SE Asia

Post by ABunDance »

Believe me, I've been doing my research.

Search Associates database indicates inconsistency amongst schools.

For example, there are schools in China, Thailand, and South Korea which indicated "teachers are not required to be vaccinated, according to government regulations."

There are also schools in China, Thailand, and South Korea which indicated the opposite.

Which is it?

Consider this:

UK schools, as far as I am aware, never mandated the vaccine.

Australian schools, did - but dropped mandates from March 2022 (South Australia) to July 2022 (Victoria) and everywhere in between.

USA - had mandates, but my understanding is they dropped mandates over time.

PsyGuy, I've been doing my research, and continue to do so.

Part of that, believe or not, is inquiring here, on ISR boards.

Anyone else willing to contribute their experience or knowledge?
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Re: COVID Vaccination requirements in Thailand, Singapore, & SE Asia

Post by fred173 »

I'm new in Thailand this year.

My work permit and residency is still in process but at no stage have I been asked about Covid vaccines.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Maybe just get the COVID vaccine and then put your time into more worthy pursuits.
Youre never going to have complete assurance anyway. Even if a government entity doesnt require vaccination an IS on its own can at anytime enact a new policy requiring any vaccination, and government positions can change overnight. If an IS announces a new mandatory vaccination unless you have some documentable medical condition that prohibits or is contraindicated for vaccination no excuse otherwise is going to be acceptable. They will say your non-compliance is a safety and health risk and dismiss you. Being a conscientious or religious objector or anti-vaxer isnt going to save you. They will just roll their eyes and point you to the exit.
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