PGCEI to eventual QTS

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PGCEI to eventual QTS

Post by TeachVietnam »

Hi all,

I know this has been asked and answered a lot but I am looking for up-to-date information following the rule changes in the UK.

I am a UK citizen and hold a bachelor's, master's, and PGCEI from universities in the UK. I have 3 years of teaching experience in international schools that follow the Cambridge International curriculum.

I am looking for advice on how to receive a US state teaching license which can be converted to the UK QTS.

There have been a few ways suggested but my understanding is:

1. I need to have all of my degrees evaluated by Span Tran (NACES)
2. I can apply to the Hawaii (?) or Connecticut (?) teaching boards for certification
3. I can get another state license (one that is recognised as equivalent to the QTS) through reciprocity
4. I can apply for the UK QTS.

Does anyone have any specific advice as to which state is better (more likely to give a certification) to apply for the initial credential? And which state has reciprocity that is equivalent to the QTS?

What is the easiest route that I can follow?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions, there are so many options I am kind of lost.
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Post by PsyGuy »

There kind of mostly really isnt.

First, HI closed their loop, without an EPP/ITT program they will only award at best a Provisional (Entry grade) credential, which is not acceptable for QTS.

Second, CT is still possible but you dont likely meet the criteria for the Provisional (Standard grade) credential. If your combined experience was acceptable to both substitute for lack of an EPP/ITT program and meet the experience requirement (with or without evaluations) and you received the CT Provisional credential than the TCL/TRA might accept this for issuance of QTS.
Recently as of the Summer of 2023 new regulations were created and went into effect. There is a new tool for determining QTS eligability and new requirements are now in place. For most ITs there is a new experience requirement (1 year to qualify as an ECT/NQT, requiring induction and two years to exempt induction). However, the prior interpretation is now policy, and requires the whole of your EPP/ITT program training to have been completed in the region where you obtained your OTT and credential. The new experience requirements make it easier for the TCL/TRA to determine the entirety of program completion.
The TCL/TRA also has an interpretation that UK nationals should not use outside credentialing programs to obtain QTS. Thats not to say they cant and if everything is above board than youre fine, but your application will receive extensive scrutiny and they will quickly discover that your CT pathway did not include an EPP/ITT program that meets the requirements of a level 6 qualification.

Third, its still possible to get a US credential and some very easily, but of the ones that are available, none of them (with possibly the above exception, and a few others (Notably some of the more esoteric options in CA) meet the eligibility requirements for QTS. The key requirements are equivalence to a level 6 qual., which eliminates the asst. based pathways such as the MA Provisional, AZ Expert, etc. and the requirement the program incorporate a field experience component completed within the geographical confines of the regulating authority issuing the credential, which eliminates programs such as Teach Now (Moreland). It may, unlikely with the new experience requirement, be possible to obtain one of the above asst or skills based pathways for the initial credential and then seek a second layer credential from another regulating authority (WA for example) and possibly obfuscate the application credential. This of course would require subterfuge on the part of the applicant in completing the application, but it is possible. A UK national however is going to receive the formerly mentioned extensive review of their application, and its so far distant from the realm of events considered likely I wouldnt be uncomfortable putting it closer to the category of not possible.

Instead, abandoning the US route and looking at the HK route may be more productive. The new regulations fully accept HK candidates for QTS eligibility. You have an extensive academic record which may be accepted as equivalent to a HK PGDE which is the standard for RT (Registered Teacher) status (Standard grade) credential. You will want to first apply for recognition of your documents by the HKCAAVQ. If a positive determination is made you will then need to travel to HK to apply for RT status. Once you obtain RT status you could then potentially apply through the TCL/TRA for QTS. Though doing so is going to require similar levels of subterfuge in completing the application, HK receives comparatively less scrutiny than the US does.
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