South Korea, School and Teaching license.

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South Korea, School and Teaching license.

Post by Smokegreynblues »

I have been working in Korea in an accredited International school for the past 2 years, Previously I held a Teaching license from a non-western country and that approved my E7 application. Now my license is about to lapse, and my schools rationale is, I need to keep my license current. Since I have not taught in my home country, it is impossible to renew this license. Hence, I need to get something like the Teach now, Moreland, iQTS or even the M.A. prov. This license will be used for dual purposes, 1. satisfy and renew my visa, 2. To keep up to date with my school's policy of having a current active license.
My school is happy with my work, and the License is just a check box requirement. Whatever License I get needs to be apostilled etc.

Any thoughts as to what route can I take, which is the least painless.

Thank you to anyone, who can help.
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Re: South Korea, School and Teaching license.

Post by AA2024 »

I am American, but it always seemed to me that getting a PGCE has much more benefits than an American license. In America getting things apostilled is not a common practice. If you did Moreland you'd get your teaching license via a PDF document. DC does not issue physical teaching licenses so I've no idea how you would get a PDF apostilled.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Theres more marketability for a PGCE, but part of that is because the US tertiary edu system doesnt really have an equivalent of the PGCE thats an actual national certificate. There are still some B.Eds around, but at the undergrad level students typically get a BA in Elementary Ed or more often they get it in some subject matter field and then minor in edu. While there are Post-Bach programs that get a student credentialed its the credential you get, not some Uni certificate typically. The US also has a much higher proportion of credential holders that use alternative credentialing (skills and assessment based) pathways, whereas in the UK the academic pathway is substantially the dominate pathway to a credential (QTS).

Teach Now/Moreland is an EPP/ITT provider, they dont issue credentials or licenses. Teach Now/Moreland recommends the candidate to the DC DOE and the DC DOE (OSSE) issues the credential.

Getting an apostille/authentication from DC is a rather easy process. First request a duplicate copy of the credential from the DC OSSE, request a certified copy when making the request and that you are applying for an apostille. You then send it to the DC office of Notary Commissions and Authentications for the apostille/authentication. Its essentially the same process for every state.

Many states OE use a digital format such as a PDF to download a hard copy of the credential as opposed to printing and mailing.
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Post by PsyGuy »

So the first thing to do is what your IS will accept. All the recommendations and suggestions in the world wont matter if your IS says no, before even going to immigration with it on your behalf. At one end we have some certificates like the ACSI certificate and IB workshop certificates that while very, very basic possess some validity in that ACSI and the IBO are legitimate organizations that have a system for teaching their curriculum and their declaration is you need this certificate to meet the requirements of an edu in their system. Their system is primary and secondary edu. So maybe just maybe that would work, I wouldnt pin everything on that or something like that working, but surprises me anymore.

Teach Now and Moreland are the same thing. Moreland is the name of the Uni and Teach Now is the program within that Uni that provides a EPP/ITT skills pathway to a pro. edu. credential. They would take your coin but your looking at a 9 month program, pro. edu, exams (PRAXIS) and 12 week of field experience. Thats a lot of work.

The iQTS isnt much different they finished the pilot cohort this summer and rolled out an extended cohort. The issue is this. The Dfe says iQTS is a credential, the Dfe runs the TRA, and the TRA is the regulating authority for DE in England, but Parliament hasnt made the necessary change for iQTS to be recognized for and issue QTS. This leaves IE and IT with a DE regulating authority saying they regulate IE because they say so. Ofsted inspectorates are very, very likely to recognize iQTS, which helps BSs and BSOs. Its at this point that everything slows to a stop, because its what your IS recognizes and more so what immigration and and any particular MOE recognizes. A similar event happened with the PGCEi it worked for a lot of people in lower tier ISs but got exponentially much less useful as ITs tried moving up tiers in IE. It worked less and less the better the IS got, which cant entirely account for immigration and MOEs with different acceptance and recognition outcomes in the same country. Some of this was due to regional variation, but in some cases ISs were in the same city and a PGCEi was acceptable for one school and not acceptable at another. So really requires you to get strong confirmation iQTS would work for you.
The reason being iQTS takes about the same amount of time, has similar requirements and costs about the same as Teach Now and other skills based EPP/ITT programs.

What you might be thinking is AO, which is a route to QTS that takes about 3 months and cost about £3K. Youll have QTS and be an ECT.

The MA Provisional (Entry grade) credential requires a transcript evaluation (such as performed by SPANTRAN), application, no CRB and a couple of pro. edu. exams that many can be taken remotely online from home. There are some other possible options but given the MA provisional is the easiest and fastest and maybe the least coin (A few hundred USD), there isnt much reason to go further. This gets you an effectively lifetime credential that doesnt require PD nor needs to be renewed.

The other option is to look around at places like HK, etc. if your current credential has not expired yet and see if you cant get another non-western credential.
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