QTS Reciprocity

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QTS Reciprocity

Post by spartan34 »

Hey everyone, sorry if this has been asked before, can’t seem to find it on the threads.

I’m curious if anyone has experience as an American using their American teaching license to apply for QTS? The process, hurdles, any info would be warmly welcomed.

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Post by PsyGuy »

You couldnt? Really? Its been written about rather prolifically. Since youre an American I will dispense with the usual discussion, you can find the application here.

https://teacherservices.education.gov.u ... cognition/

You complete the application and upload some documents and if your state has an online portal for verifying your US credential than processing at this time of year should take 1-2 weeks. If they have to verify your credentials through correspondence than it can take 2-4 weeks. You will receive a letter at the outcome and if awarded you can download your QTS certificate and letter of standing from your teacher portal, where you an also confirm your subject matter areas.
You will want to do this quickly as its very likely the outcome will change very shortly to where your QTS will be conditional on completing Induction making you an ECT as compared to the former outcome of having full QTS without an Induction requirement as part of the ECF. Of course if you are actually interested in teaching in the UK (England specifically in this case) than being an ECT had advantages (and some disadvantages).

Again, assuming the typical foreigner applying with a DC credential doesnt apply to you, the only real hurdle is in the past has been US DTs who have less than a Regular, Professional grade credential are not eligible for QTS as an OTT.
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Re: QTS Reciprocity

Post by spartan34 »

Hey Psyguy

So I do have a Standard DC credential, is this going to be a problem? I have been thinking about gaining reciprocity in another state to avoid having the "dreaded DC credential". In your opinion, is it worth it to do this? For some reason, I am not so optimistic about the longevity/sustainability of Moreland/DC credential acceptance. I'm currently in an M.Ed program right now (not Moreland), so I am hoping once this is completed, it will bolster my credentials.

I'm also considering Hong Kong in the future, and have read that my American teaching license won't be enough to gain RT status in Hong Kong. Even gaining QTS through reciprocity still might pose challenges, right? Seeing as they want to see I gained my QTS through a postgraduate program. I'm curious if you have any suggestions as to how I might work this sequentially. Is it even worth gaining QTS through reciprocity if that QTS isn't accepted everywhere because I didn't gain it through a postgraduate program? Would it be worth it just to finish my M.Ed first and then see if some of those credits can be used for a PGCE or something along those lines?
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Post by PsyGuy »



What is your goal?

Did you do your Teach Now to get your DC credential? Did you do your field experience in a US DS or did you do it somewhere in IE?

Assuming its IE. Maybe, kinda, probably. Depends on the day, the evaluations officer, how the wind is blowing (both figuratively and literally). A lot is happening for the TRA/TCL, and the Dfe. The ECF is live and started a year ago, but the first full cohorts wont have complete induction until the end of this AY. iQTS is also on the table with the first cohorts starting this AY. A LOT depends on Parliament and the UK as a whole has bigger problems. Its one of those instances where it matters who becomes PM. The word is that if OTT MR doesnt go away soon (and its unlikely to go away soon) than its likely new OTTs will become ECTs going forward. Essentially, a US DT/IT will be using a Professional grade US credential to obtain an Entry grade UK credential, albeit an Entry grade credential with lifetime validity (as of now) and no PD requirements, along with (as far as most of IE is concerned) broad subject and age applicability.

How much acceptable experience do you have?
That answer changes depending which state DOE we are talking about. A CA CLEAR credential requires 2 years appropriate K12/KS experience AND a professional ESOL credential/endorsement. NJ requires three years experience but NJ is more restrictive on acceptable experience than CA is. Then you have states like TX that dont have an experience requirement (but have testing requirements), states such as IL that dont have an experience requirement, and states like WA where experience is an option, and others with differing variations.
It might be worth it if you can do it fast. If this was May/June and you would have had the summer to get some testing requirements done. so that you would have the new credential and would be applying for QTS now that might have had value. If your going back OS then getting a foreign testing date and scores and application processing is probably going to take to long to avoid being an ECT. Of course it might not matter, OTT ECT implementation may be substantially delayed, but the TCL/TRA might request a field experience letter regardless of which states credential you apply with. If you apply now with the DC credential its your one shot. If they deny it you cant just reapply again with the DC credential. If you dont apply now, when you do, you may be an ECT. It may go your way either way or it may not.

An M.Ed wont effect your credential, but will increase the utility of your application and marketability of your application. With an M.Ed CAN/AUS/GTCs (Scotland, Wales, Ireland) become options. In addition to the HKs registered credential (Professional Grade).

You cant gain QTS with the HK credential and you cant gain RT solely with QTS. HK wants academics, a transcript of tertiary study. An M.Ed will do that. Teach Now by itself wont, though you dont need a full M.Ed to meet the HK requirements. The right graduate courses will suffice as well, if they are the right courses and the stars and planets are in alignment.
Its also not entirely stable as to if or when the HK process might change. HK is going through flux as well as more and more of the HK way of life is eroded away and assimilated into mainland China.

So whats your goal? Is it to transition the DC credential to a more stable and favorable foreign credential such as QTS or RT and let the US credential fall to the wayside? Is it to transition to a foreign credential but keep the US credential in your pocket for reasons? Is your goal specially set on RT or QTS? Is your goal to avoid PD and you dont care how that happens? Is there a particular career path with a specific location you want to work and retire out of? What is your time line? What ISs are you targeting in the future (BSs are easier with QTS and ASs with a US credential, even if you are American)? What are your time and coin resources? How long until the M.Ed is finished? Is it a Global Ivy?

There are a lot of variables and a lot of variable outcomes. More importantly at this time a lot of unknowns.
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Re: QTS Reciprocity

Post by buffalofan »

My experience - I applied and QTS rejected it, claiming the credential was not fully "professional-tier" (I forget the wording they used, but it was something like that). I still have this state credential (and others as well) and have not had issues with getting hired. Probably worth a try though as it is free.
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Re: QTS Reciprocity

Post by propeller »

Hi everyone, I would like to ask if anyone applied for QTS Reciprocity using NOKUT credential from Norway? I am non-EU national and I received their credential recently.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Absolutely. You will need a translation of your qualifications and credentials as well as whats generally known as a letter of good standing or Confirmation in Norway. You can find it here:
https://www.nokut.no/utdanning-fra-utla ... nnet-land/

Once you have your documents (Degree, EPP/ITT, Identification, Confirmation) ready you apply here:
https://teacherservices.education.gov.u ... cognition/

It will take about two weeks to process your application and receive QTS. You can then print your QTS certificate and a letter of good standing from your account.
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Re: QTS Reciprocity

Post by propeller »

thank your for your reply.
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