Job Ad Posting Question

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Job Ad Posting Question

Post by zenteach »

If a job has been posted for the past 4 weeks, and the school just extended the posting for one more week, what do you think that might mean?

A) There are no suitable candidates in the pool so they need more to apply.

B) It was the holiday break, they are busy and do not have time to review stuff so just extended it.

C) They extended the process because more people are leaving the school and they are reshuffling etc.

D) (Insert what you think)
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Post by PsyGuy »

B isnt really a thing. It could happen but disorganization doesnt effect the number of applications. If they dont have time at a particular point they just put the recruiting task on the back burner or move it around on the priority list.

Could be A or C. Its possible some ITs pulled a runner over the winter break and just didnt come back, or they couldnt come back because of changing entry requirements.
It could be A, but when an IS has a vacancy for a month at this time (this is peak recruiting season) if they dont have ANY suitable candidates (and thats a vague term) they usually look at what they did get before expanding, rewriting, or reposting the vacancy

My 'D' is that they got some suitable interest but no really strong candidates that got them excited about interviewing.

The rule is when an IS is interested they act like they are interested. They contact you, they set up interview times, they move forward. If an IS is showing disinterest, and engaging in delay tactics, etc. They arent really interested or excited about your application. If they are holding out for someone stronger, youre not it.
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Re: Job Ad Posting Question

Post by zenteach »

Thanks PsyGuy. Yes, your D seems probable.
Thames Pirate
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Re: Job Ad Posting Question

Post by Thames Pirate »

D) HR at that school doesn't have their ducks in a row.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Incompetent HR is always a possibility.
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