Delay of New Taxes in China

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Delay of New Taxes in China

Post by IAMBOG »

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Re: Delay of New Taxes in China

Post by Asteger »

Some similar thing appeared on the WeChat news a few days ago - always to be taken with a grain of salt, but in this case there was an official announcment behind it, as the link shows. Yet, nothing really worth discussing here. Any tax changes only seem to concern mid-class domestic families/earners. The content concerning expats seems only to be a reminder of the changes now implemented from *today* - it being new year's day. Oddly, the poster comments that 'In one word, foreigners still can enjoy tax exemption policies for subsidies and allowances such as housing allowance, language class fees, children education fee etc till December 31, 2023'. The poster appears to lack basic reading comprehension, as this is completely at odds with the announcement quoted which simply says for 2019-2021 expats could enjoy tax-free school fees, housing and Mandarin lang classes - which we all already knew of course (2019-2021 being the 3-year grace period for implementing the new taxes, which is perhaps why the announcement mentions it). Meanwhile, 'from 1 January 2022, foreigners shall cease to enjoy tax exemption policies for subsidies and allowances such as housing allowance, language class fees, children education fee' which could not be clearer, and which is just as has been promised.
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Re: Delay of New Taxes in China

Post by Asteger »

... Now, I am the one with obvious reading comprehension problems. Apologies.

Yes, 2-year extension on 'preferential policies' for expats (with some other stuf) has been given!

More info: ... 24816.html
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Post by PsyGuy »

No surprise, they have been kicking this can down the road for a while now.
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