Out side China job offers

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Out side China job offers

Post by inchinanow »

Has anybody currently outside of China been offered a job inside China? All the schools I have interviewed for in China are only considering applications from teachers already in the country.
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Re: Out side China job offers

Post by sid »

I was contacted by a recruiting company I’d never heard of, saying they worked with schools who knew how to get people in. Said it had worked. But she also blithely referred to an incoming principal who had been refused entry and the school dropped her in October when they couldn’t find a pathway. Not reassuring overall.
So no, not personally.
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Re: Out side China job offers

Post by IE_sciteacher »

Schools are also not interviewing candidates currently in China who have stated they will go home this summer and then come back who have dependents. Too much uncertainty with faith that dependents would be able to get out and back in. I'm fine with this if the school is transparent and upfront about the process.

I would avoid China for this cycle if you are not in China. The reputable schools are being cautious, the less reputable will do what ever they want and cut losses when it suits them and too late for the teacher to find a new position.
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Re: Out side China job offers

Post by inchinanow »

I wish one large multinational company well in China having to recruiting for 25 schools in 10 cities. They have arranged their own job fairs in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou to scrape the bottom of the barrel in recruitment.

Any starting salary for a QTS teacher should be minimum 36k and 12k for housing(but we don't truly know what the tax will be). Any offers less just walk away!
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Re: Out side China job offers

Post by eion_padraig »

While my school has definitely focused on hiring teachers already in China, they have for some positions hired outside of China. There are school age dependents and spouse dependents getting visas/PU letters to get in. It's a hassle due to limited and expensive flights, plus testing requirements before someone comes, but it seems like people are starting to be able to get through.

One fear of teachers who are parents is what would happen if their child came to the Chinese border at they had Covid. The policy would seem to be to separate the child who was sick from their parents which has some of my friends rather worried.

We've had a handful of teachers enter China for the first time and start working over the last 2 - 3 months. They've had to do 2 weeks of quarantine in a hotel and then 1 week in their apartment.

Lots of salaries have been increased, but some of that is up in the air due to new tax laws. I know of a few schools who already take on the tax burden who had said they'll cover any increases in taxes if they come up.

Some of my colleagues left last summer and were able to return, and in a few cases with young dependents. A lot more of my colleagues are planning on leaving this summer and returning. Some of the other schools in the city have said it's fine to leave and come back. One of the better paying schools has told their teachers not to leave and the school saw lots of resignations.

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Re: Out side China job offers

Post by expatscot »

Most schools are still considering offers outside China, but if you come up alongside someone who is already here then if everything else is equal they'll go with the person in country, simply because it's a lot less hassle. If you have dependants, though, you can pretty much forget it for the moment because very, very, very few schools - and we are probably talking a handful nationwide - have been successful in getting dependants in recently and most aren't bothering to try now.
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Re: Out side China job offers

Post by shadowjack »

In the past year I have had 3 sets of friends get to their positions in China, two with kids in tow, one with kids following. This includes in the last 3 months...
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Re: Out side China job offers

Post by Asteger »

I think lots of people on ISR who have generalised about people making into China, with/without dependents, are basing their impressions on their current region or perhaps a second one. The ease with which schools can get people in depends a lot on the school and their influence sometimes, but also on where they are. New hires (following delays) have been trickling in over at my school since last summer. There was a delay at some point in issuing PU letters, but then this happed again. This was also happening while other schools or schools in other regions were not doing well in bringing people in. My impression is also that it has been hard to get dependents in in Shanghai and Beijing, and it depends elsewhere. We are not in those 2 cities.

There are lots of other factors to consider. For example, the region you're going to may or may not allow you to get an entry visa if you are applying from a country which is not your home country. Perhaps you are working outside your home country atm. In fact it is very likely you are. Getting a visa may depend on you travelling back to your home country to apply, therefore.

Yes, then there's all the travel. 2 weeks hotel quarantine + 1 week 'home' quarantine: this sounds quaintly simple these days. Where I am, if you've arrived elsewhere and done 2 weeks hotel quarantine there, you do an additional week here, and an additional week at home, so 28 days altogether. But one city - Shenyang - caused a WeChat sensation a few days ago when it was said they require 4 weeks in hotel + 4 weeks at home now. After Guangzhou just opened its new quarantine faciltiies, other cities are apparently building theirs, and one can imagine quarantine requirements will no lighten in the future. Meanwhile, I am wondering what happens to people who are booked to fly into cities in China which currently have 1 or more districts which are not low-risk. If you do your initial hotel quarantine there before moving on to your destination city, will you be allowed to travel? What restriction will also pop up regarding vaccinations? How would a new arrival, who may be required to prove they've been vaxxed in order to enter stations and airports and take flights, then be able to travel to another city if the few flight routes to China from where they are take them to cities where they will not work? As far as I know, foreign papers proving one has had foreign vaxxes won't count. Etc.

As for travelling home during the summer, some better schools are now offering more travel money it seems, to offset the new costs. But then you have your weeks of quarantine to consider, plus the risk you pick up Delta along the way, or your the weekly flight from your city/country is suspended just before you're due to fly because the previous week several passengers were found to be infected on arrival in China. These route suspensions happen all the time, and talk is about futher restrictions in arrivals from abroad ...
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Re: Out side China job offers

Post by shadowjack »

Astegar, it's why I am avoiding China. My life is too short to deal with their regulations. My friends (not Shanghai or Beijing) are in or shortly getting to, three different cities. I think you are right that depending on location and school influence, plus local government initiatives, some places are easier than others to get to.
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Re: Out side China job offers

Post by expatscot »

shadowjack wrote:
> Astegar, it's why I am avoiding China. My life is too short to deal with
> their regulations. My friends (not Shanghai or Beijing) are in or shortly
> getting to, three different cities. I think you are right that depending on
> location and school influence, plus local government initiatives, some
> places are easier than others to get to.

Yep, why I'm getting out. Shanghai and particularly Beijing have more stringent rules than some of the tier 2 or 3 cities - but once you get there, the ease of life in those two is much better than many of the other cities.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I know an acquaintance who is leaving Japan for China in January. Everything seems to be going okay for them so far, but its all paper and emails at this point, though they do have a PU letter.
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Re: Out side China job offers

Post by inspired »

Have you had any luck with Korea?
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Re: Out side China job offers

Post by inchinanow »

The situation in Shanghai jobs wise should be clear on the 17th of January when the local education committee makes a policy statement on the future of the city's education. This is the day before all the schools and government workers go on CNY holiday for a month.

This hopefully will shed some light on the future of Bilingual schools in the city that employe 80℅ of foreign teachers here. If the Shanghai government follows the central governments recommendations that only 5% of a city's education can be in the private sector it will make things interesting to say the least.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Just an FYI Update. They are leaving this week, and everything seems to be okay. The efforts and quality of the ISs HR department seem to have made a lot of difference.
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