HR asking for expected salaries.


Re: Comment

Post by just.the.truth »

Heliotrope wrote:
> PsyGuy wrote:
> > @Heliotrope
> >
> > Says the person who has to constantly remind you to do your own research.
> I do remind people to do their own research when I make a claim I'm not certain
> about, or if I just recount my own or someone else's singular experience or opinion,
> or in response to someone saying they want to apply to a certain school just because
> they read one good review about it. I don't present something as truth if I'm not
> sure it is.
> If I had a source though supporting my statement and someone would ask for it, I
> would definitely disclose it, if I hadn't already in the post where I referred to it.
> Why would I make a statement based on a study or an article, and then telling people
> to go hunt down that study themselves if I can just link to it? Only people that
> mention non-existing (but supposedly 'trusted and reliable') sources would refuse to
> reveal those sources.

Who the heck the both of you! You are just as bad as Psyguy, with your insufferable need to address his claims, and take the thread off track. Insecure much? Whoooooo cares?!
Posts: 10848
Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:51 am
Location: Northern Europe


Post by PsyGuy »


Im not you.
Only people too lazy and who cant be bothered to do their own research complain over an absence of citations.
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