When did you decide to settle down?

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When did you decide to settle down?

Post by Smokegreynblues »

I have colleagues, who got comfortable and became part of the furniture of the school.10-20 years at the same spot. Most either married a local, or their kids attend the same school. Some just cant bother being evaluated and interviewed year after year. It takes a toll on the teachers when one is constantly interviewing and their market value fluctuating for different reasons. For many ITs, once a person reaches the top end of the salary scale, there isn't much to look forward to financially. Most scales top out at some point. And unless it's a specific location or a specific school, there is no financial incentive to do so. For example - In the city where I am, Top schools top out at 60/70k USD. There is no financial incentive to move or switch places. Not everyone wants to move to leadership or has the knack for it.
My question is when did "You" decide to settle down or as to "why" would one settle down.
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Re: When did you decide to settle down?

Post by bish180b »

Still haven't settled down. Mid 40's.

Leaving a high paying job now that I absolutely love to go to a better location for less money. May be a mistake, time will tell.

BUT applying for jobs, relocating and starting at new schools is becoming harder and harder and more and more stressful.

I am looking at this job and then hopefully one last move after that whenever that may be.
fine dude
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Re: When did you decide to settle down?

Post by fine dude »

Terrific question, but there is no easy answers. With schools reluctant to hire senior teachers and some even not renewing contracts due to ageism, teachers' have to make the most appropriate compromise suiting their individual or family situation. International teaching will remain a buyers market into the foreseeable future. I settled down in late 30s at a school and city that checks most of the boxes (student profile, savings potential, decent health insurance, workload, admin support etc.). General contentment and peace of mind resulting from some form of work-life balance were at the top of the list rather than chasing few hundred dollar increments in an unknown city and school. Don't want to sound pessimistic, but most countries will eventually tax teachers' kids' tuition.
Helen Back
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Re: When did you decide to settle down?

Post by Helen Back »

No intention of settling down, although we'll be at our next school, if we ever get there, until our kids graduate (nine years).

Then I imagine myself flying down the Eurovelo 6 and drinking cheap European wine for a few years.
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Re: When did you decide to settle down?

Post by Heliotrope »

My current school and city both have everything going for it, and they offer everything to make someone decide to settle here, but the truth is I will just take it one contract at a time. But while I don't see myself leaving soon, wanting to move is sometimes a choice that only makes sense in your gut, and a lot less sense on paper.
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Re: When did you decide to settle down?

Post by sid »

What he said. The gut feeling thing. For me, it’s not about deciding when to settle down. Instead, I plan to stay for as long as my gut keeps telling me that it’s the right thing. Once my gut speaks up differently, off I go. (After giving appropriate notice of course. )
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Re: When did you decide to settle down?

Post by seinfeld »

Not settled yet but into my 40s now and it's getting less fun to move countries every couple of years. Then again, I have no clue what "settling down" will look like for me.
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Re: When did you decide to settle down?

Post by mysharona »

We spent 12+ years at our most recent school, which I guess could be considered settling down. We stayed for many reasons but one key factor is I just didn't want to play the recruiting game.

Re: When did you decide to settle down?

Post by Illiane_Blues »

I do not think I will settle anywhere permanently but at the same time I do 'settle' everywhere I move to. I have known teachers that never decorated their apartments or even never fully unpacked their suitcases or were already looking for their next school on day two.
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Re: When did you decide to settle down?

Post by secondplace »

It's important for us that wherever we are is 'home'. And for us that means we settle in, we decorate and we embrace where we are as much as we can.

It's different for everyone but I never want to feel like I'm just passing through.
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