Where in the World to Start?

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Post by PsyGuy »


You joined in November not March and Im rarely wrong.
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Re: Reply

Post by Heliotrope »

You're right about the first, but wrong about the second.

I agree that @PsyGuy is a troll, and I feel bad for constantly feeding him.
I can ignore his poor grammar (although the sentences don't make sense because of it – it goes beyond your/you're, there/their, etc.), but I can bring myself to ignore the things he says, because he is so often wrong, and other users might unsuspectedly think that he knows what he's talking about.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Im right about both, and Im rarely wrong.
Posts: 1171
Joined: Sun May 13, 2018 1:48 am

Re: Where in the World to Start?

Post by Heliotrope »

PsyGuy wrote:
> @Heliotrope
> Im right about both, and Im rarely wrong.

And you said he wasn't funny...
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Re: Where in the World to Start?

Post by Psychometrika »

EyEyEy wrote:
> I've read many topics since joining this forum in March and lots of it is
> really interesting & helpful. However, most of the time I'm just
> wondering: who is this @PsyGuy clown?

My theory is that he is the owner and/or admin of the site. No one else would have the time or motivation to live on this site like he does, and I don’t think another admin would tolerate the amount of belligerence he spouts. I think he posts like he does to be deliberately controversial to encourage posting and keep the site from being dead, and I think Psyguy is just one of a few sock puppets he uses to keep things going. Public forums are dying out in favor of reddit and Facebook groups (Dave’s ESL Cafe forums used to be a go to favorite of mine but now it is just a shadow of its former self) so I think he is just trying to keep the ship afloat.
Posts: 10848
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Post by PsyGuy »

I have not been, nor am the owner, employee, administrator, or in any other way associated or affilitated with ISR beyond being a member and contributor.
Posts: 1171
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Re: Disclaimer

Post by Heliotrope »

PsyGuy wrote:
> I have not been, nor am the owner, employee, administrator, or in any
> other way associated or affilitated with ISR beyond being a member and
> contributor.

Hmmm, that's exactly what an undercover owner, employee, or administrator of ISR would say...

To be fair, that's also what someone who's NOT an undercover owner, employee, or administrator of ISR would say.
Thames Pirate
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Re: Reply

Post by Thames Pirate »

> I don't, I know what I prioritize better than anyone else, just as @Thames Pirate
> knows better than you and anyone else what she can save each month.

Haha! I'd forgotten this one of PsyGuy's nonsense responses. Classic.

[quote=EyEyEy post_id=61539 time=1624712786 user_id=254662]
I've read many topics since joining this forum in March and lots of it is really interesting & helpful. However, most of the time I'm just wondering: who is this @PsyGuy clown?
He's almost always wrong but still posts more than all others combined. He just keeps repeating falsehoods, and formulating a well-structured and error-free sentence seems to be beyond his abilities. Imagine having someone like him on your debate team.
At first it was amusing, like a class clown can be, but he's not funny and he's actively spreading misinformation. I'm glad some people are pushing back but it only seems to be encouraging him.
I'm not on many forums so I'm not too familiar with internet trolls but he seems to be one: insecure, and not half as smart as he would like to be. I feel sorry for his students.

Nailed it. PsyGuy is great if you want to know how to get certified in Underwater Basket Weaving in North Dakota. He's very knowledgable about getting certifications and the pathways involved. But beyond that he is all talk. Most of us just roll our eyes, some of us argue with him to varying degrees, and some actually believe him. He also likes to repeat a point others make, but with more words. Take his advice for what it is.
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