Teaching Couple - Different schools?

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Teaching Couple - Different schools?

Post by speedracer »

As we start looking at recruiting for 21-22, I was wondering how logistically possible it would be a teaching couple to work at different schools?

Obviously, we are applying as a teaching couple first. We don't have a geograhical preference, and we will be targerting all different types of schools including larger cities (Hong Kong, Singapore).

How often do teaching couples work at different schools? What are some of the things to consider, logistically?
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Post by PsyGuy »

Its not uncommon, especially in a city with a sizable number of ISs (such a Shanghai, etc.). Its typically either ITs who used the approach to make themselves more marketable (such as the case of two maths or literature ITs, etc.) or where one IT outgrew the previous IS and a better opportunity opened up, and was less advantageous to the other IT in the couple (one gets an opportunity to move up to junior or senior leadership, but the other IT would end up taking a cut in coin to leave, etc.).

The biggest logistical factor recruiting and hiring wise is housing, particularly assigned provided housing and what the ISs rules and policies are on insurance, tuition/fee waivers/places, allowances (such as housing allowances), etc. and what the limits are (if any) on what essentially amounts to as double dipping. Do you share your spouses job specifics with your individual ISs. If you do, those policies (or future policies) might put a dent (or even break) some of the benefits of double OSH benefits. If you dont, then you may be doing something your IS considers a disciplinary offense (maybe up to and including some type of illegal activity), to possibly damaging the trust and relationship you have with your leadership.
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Re: Teaching Couple - Different schools?

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

It is probably not as common as teaching couples being at the same school but it is not all that rare. In large cities, it is definitely doable. We did it in Beijing with me being in one school out closer to the airport and my spouse teaching in the southern part of the city. We found a great apartment complex basically in between our schools and within easy travel to restaurants, downtown, etc. and it worked out well. In our case, my spouse and child were under my employment for visas which made it easier than dealing with both school/HR departments. We had the choice of which health insurance to use and went through my spouse's school for the better coverage.

So, where to live, visas, insurance, travel arrangements, school for children, housing/housing allowance (for one, for both, do they add up or does one trump the other) would all be things to think about it. It is not the ideal situation for most people but could be worth it if one person secures a good position but there is not an opening for the other teaching partner.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Minor disagreement with @WT123, rather than "not the ideal situation" it can actually be very lucrative being able to benefit from two independent OSH packages. Something as simple as being able to pocket an extra whole housing allowance could be worth half a whole extra salary for example.
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Re: Teaching Couple - Different schools?

Post by expatscot »

I'm doing exactly that, also in Beijing, and have done for a number of years. Both schools are aware, and there's no problem with dual benefits because my wife and child are covered by their school and I'm covered by mine. Similarly, I also get housing allowance - and the combined total of our allowances is greater than we would get being at the same school. So financially, it definitely works out. It also helped having both schools supporting all of us during quarantine!

Where it's not ideal is holidays - the main ones (summer and Christmas) are generally the same, but the others differ sometimes by quite a lot, so the only overlap is usually a week in October, a week at CNY and a week in the Spring.

For us it's worked out well, as it has for my child, but I can see instances where it wouldn't be so good.
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