Reapplying at a school I previously turned down

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Reapplying at a school I previously turned down

Post by wander »

A few years ago I received an offer from a school but ended up turning it down to take another offer with a better salary. I’ve since paid off student loans and would really like to reapply for a position at the school I turned down. The same principal is there. Has anyone done this? How did you approach it?
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Post by PsyGuy »


Just be open and upfront about it, get it out in front and then get passed it. Mention it in your opening cover/intro letter briefly in the opening paragraph. Best if you left with a positive impression


Pretend you dont remember. If they remember and point it out. It was years ago, and you just dont remember. Best if the entire transaction as brief and reasonably forgettable.


Pretend to be someone else. ISs usually dont retain application documents after multiple years for ITs that didnt provide any period of service. Change your hair or something, wear a different interview outfit, wear a pair of cheap low power reading glasses. Hopefully you wont identify with them. This is best for those leaders that take such things personally.
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Re: Reapplying at a school I previously turned down

Post by Heliotrope »

I would certainly mention it.
It will alert them to the fact that they already thought of you as a good fit before, and that you probably still will be.
It depends on the principal, but most principals wouldn't fault you for refusing an offer, and won't hold it against you.
I'd say it's an asset rather than something you should hide. If I was a recruiter (but I'm not), I would be very wary of candidates that would try to hide it or have forgotten about it.
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Re: Reapplying at a school I previously turned down

Post by Spedguy »

I would agree with the poster above. It is an asset but only how you turned it down. Definitely point it out and be upfront in your cover letter to them... something like "A few years ago I was afforded an opportunity to work at your school by X admin and chose to go a different direction due to my life's circumstance at the time. However, since then, I realize how much I loved X school and really would love an opportunity to talk about X position"

Swing it in a positive light and you are golden... that is if you turned it down in a professional way.

This is just how I would go about it which might not be how everyone would FYI
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Re: Reapplying at a school I previously turned down

Post by vandsmith »

be honest. 'at that particular point in my life, i knew i wasn't ready to truly live the values and vision your school advocates for'. if it comes up. otherwise, don't mention it.

good luck.

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Re: Reapplying at a school I previously turned down

Post by Nomads »

I would contact the principal and say just what you said to us. If they were willing to hire you before, they should be equally interested now plus you have more experience.

The one point you will need to address is given your previous concern with salary, how long do you plan to stay? If most of their teachers only stay two or three years due to the salary then it should not be an issue.
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Re: Reapplying at a school I previously turned down

Post by Nexttrip »

Yeah, you should mention it but be aware that some admin. have very fragile egos. At least a significant minority from my experience.
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Re: Reapplying at a school I previously turned down

Post by shadowjack »

TBH if it is a largish school, the admin has probably forgotten about it. She or he didn't lay around nights thinking about you, I guarantee.

So, go for it.
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Re: Reapplying at a school I previously turned down

Post by business88 »

I pretty much agree with most of what's been said. However, I'm not 100 percent sold on mentioning it in the cover letter. Let's be honest here, you are not the first person to turn down a position at an international school. Admins know that it is part of the hiring process that some of those offered a job will not accept. It is not uncommon for candidates to have applied to multiple jobs and every admin knows this. I believe if you do get to the interview process maybe casually mention it or if it's asked answer as honestly as possible. Personally, I would let them know that you really like their school message and values but financial and other circumstances was a big factor in your decision at the time, but your interest in the school still remains.

Re: Reapplying at a school I previously turned down

Post by Illiane_Blues »

I would also mention it, and I would put in the cover letter. It tells them they deemed you right for the job before, and people tend to agree with themselves.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I disagree with @business88, the problem with saving the issue until the interview is they dont recognize you until they see you and then it clicks and no everyones on the spot and you dont know how they are going to react, if they are just remembering you at the start of the interview.
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Re: Reapplying at a school I previously turned down

Post by wander »

Just wanna give you all an update...

I sent an email to the school and addressed it in the first paragraph as many of you suggested. The principal replied stating that she did remember me and would like to talk again. It all worked out! Thanks!
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Re: Reapplying at a school I previously turned down

Post by Heliotrope »

That's great news, congrats!
Thanks for the update.
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