Marketability and dogs

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Post by PsyGuy »


Yes, the leadership thinks they define the world of IE nerve.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Yes they can, experienced ITs started out being inexperienced ITs. There is success and failure at all points along the PASS, where did I state there wasnt? When did I state that low score ITs were unmarketable and high score ITs were all but guaranteed a position?
Keep peddling your mysticism.
I consider my position sufficiently strong to withstand debate.
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Re: Marketability and dogs

Post by Walter »

"No one on here has seen my resume, many years ago the leadership on this forum were very upset at my contributions breaking away their smoke and mirrors about IE, but you cant discredit someone if you cant claim to know who they are, so @Walter and the rest of the LPN (League of Psyguy Nemesis) simply fabricated that they knew who I was. No one on this forum knows who I am or has any clue, nor have they seen my resume."

Dave, Dave, you’re such a silly boy.
For those who are really interested in the background to all this, it began in a post entitled “Blacklisted” dated Tuesday 17th January, 2012 (easy enough to find if you just type the title in the search function) . My first comment is on page 3 and is a response to lies Dave told about the SEARCH FAIR in Cambridge. It gets more interesting by page 5 with the input of Hawkeye who takes on Dave about more lies regarding his claim to have attended the SEARCH FAIR in Sydney. Dave maintained that he was working for a public school in Denmark as a junior administrator and the school paid for him and another administrator to fly to Sydney and stay in the same hotel and acting as “stealth recruiters”. An utterly preposterous story of course.
Then Hawkeye challenged Dave on his identity and of course with the clues that he had left (he talked about having worked at an American School in the Eternal City, described the then head in unflattering terms and had left after one year; he named his SEARCH Associate in even less flattering terms – which subsequently got him barred from the organization – he talked about his multiple certifications and other details of his background) so of course it was easy enough to log into SEARCH and discover his name. And then I found that he was also writing on the DODEA site as “Dave” – where his lies and boasting made him even more unpopular.
Over the years, he’s come up with various fairy stories about his so-called career, including going to ISS Bangkok as a “stealth” candidate and being bombarded with job offers (he didn’t), having a doctorate (he doesn’t), having experience as a recruiter (he doesn’t) and working at DODEA (he certainly doesn’t).
As I’ve said before, I’m fine with anonymity on this site; what I object to is someone “bigging up” his resume in order to give false credibility to some of his ludicrous claims. When I can be bothered reading his stuff, I mostly chuckle and move on, but my concern is that people new to the site might view him in the way that he likes to portray himself - as the Delphic Oracle of international education.
No fabrications, then, I know exactly who you are, and I'll continue to point this out to the forum whenever your braggadocio gets too irritating. And we''ll always have Kaohsiung, Dave.
Thames Pirate
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Re: Marketability and dogs

Post by Thames Pirate »


I am not a recruiter, but your clues also led me to find out your name, even if I did not see your resume.

You are a pathological liar.

For those wondering, he once claimed to know my husband better than I do and claimed I was lying about what he teaches. That's how intensely he sticks to his stories. The deleted thread about the mythical Japanese riding vacancy was another classic, and his claims about rent in the Hague, etc. are among the many easily disproved claims to which he clings.
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Re: Marketability and dogs

Post by interteach »

Overall I think we're looking at a poster who feels deeply hurt and wounded by working at international schools due to past experience, and is perhaps working through what he may feel is a traumatic experience by developing his own understanding of how things work. The problem is that the level of misinformation makes him something of the Alex Jones of this forum and I need to remind myself to have some sympathy and pity for the individual while still correcting his factual errors.
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Post by PsyGuy »


No need to hide it you can find your scam right here: ... =Blacklist
Your the only one thats absurd.
Theres no lies about the BOS Cambridge fair except by you and leadership.
Nothing to lie about I attended the SA fair in Sydney.
Nothing preposterous its true.
Neither you nor @Hawkeye have any clues, thats why you just made up that you identified me.
ITs get bad SA associates, my current one is decent, and Im a member of SA, having never been barred, again more fabrications of yours.
Not possible, SA doesnt have the room in its profile to list or check all of my certifications, but again its just a fabrication of yours.
You discovered nothing, I originally thought there as some poor person suffering your error, but it asnt until DODEA that a colleague commented that you likely just made the hole thing up.
Yes, I contributed on the DODEA site, as Dave thats why you think its my name, of hich again not lies and I dont boast.
Not fairy tales when their true, Ive gone to BKK rogue, and received multiple offers, and I have a doctorate, and I work for DODEA.
Nothing but fabrications so that you can claim false credibility. Your fabrications didnt bother me then and they dont now, you knew nothing then, you know nothing now, and you never have.

@Thames Pirate

No your the liar, and you know nothing.

I apparently do know your husband better than you. I didnt delete the thread, but its apparent that you know nothing about horses, and nothing about the vacancy, its not mythical because no one consulted with @Thames Pirate.
Its still €1900 in the Hague.


There not errors when their true as opposed to leaderships fallacies and Ive been very content with IE.
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Re: Marketability and dogs

Post by interteach »

Then what I don't understand is that when asked a direct question about your recruiting experience in relation to the advice you give (when you state you have recruiting experience), you get upset rather than asking the question. I would hope that you'd take a few breaths and explain how your experience as a recruiter backs up your points system to help it make greater sense for those who might use it.
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Post by PsyGuy »


I dont reply to questions by asking another question. I dont get upset, only data matters.
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Re: Marketability and dogs

Post by interteach »

So in other words, instead of providing the data you repeatedly state you stand by you're going to be intransigent? I don't understand how someone who states they believe so much in data has their reactions derailed by emotion to the extent you do. It's confusing
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Post by PsyGuy »


Im happy to change my position, and admit when Im wrong, what im not going to do is adapt another opinion because some other contributor says so or its popular.
Only data matters, but human beings are emotional creatures pretending to be rational. My thoughts dont derail, you only claim they do, maybe thats what you find confusing. You make all these forceful and bold claims only to back peddle to stating inexperienced ITs do get hired and experienced ones dont always get the job.
I dont have to provide you anything.
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Re: Marketability and dogs

Post by interteach »

What bold claims did I make? Again, you seem to be upset.
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Re: Marketability and dogs

Post by Sgphilli85 »

I hope this forum is moderated so that this nonsense can get shut down. This is ridiculous. This is my first post to this forum; what an impression you guys give. I even asked if people could act like adults and kill the petty arguing and it continues for pages and pages detailing the thread completely. It is a shame to see as this could be a really positive and helpful place to get information. I hope the posters here can see this and change because you all are obviously quite invested in this forum and yet it seems like nobody can give up the last word in an argument that is doing nothing but detracting and going nowhere. Speak your peace once by all means, but then drop it when it’s done being spoken. For example, what I’m doing now. I’ve gotten what I can out of this thread and am done with it now. Hopefully if I need to come here again I can just get some straightforward help without personal bickering.
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Post by GrumblesMcGee »

Sgphilli85 wrote:
> I hope this forum is moderated so that this nonsense can get shut down.
> This is ridiculous. This is my first post to this forum; what an impression
> you guys give. I even asked if people could act like adults and kill the
> petty arguing and it continues for pages and pages detailing the thread
> completely. It is a shame to see as this could be a really positive and
> helpful place to get information. I hope the posters here can see this and
> change because you all are obviously quite invested in this forum and yet
> it seems like nobody can give up the last word in an argument that is doing
> nothing but detracting and going nowhere. Speak your peace once by all
> means, but then drop it when it’s done being spoken. For example, what I’m
> doing now. I’ve gotten what I can out of this thread and am done with it
> now. Hopefully if I need to come here again I can just get some
> straightforward help without personal bickering.


I'm with you on seeking quality information/perspectives on marketability for someone with pets. It was a good question and I think it generated some good comments that will help you (and others similarly situated). I had planned to chime in a bit given my own experience weighing multiple offers (one of which was not pet-friendly), but was very busy last week when this thread heated up. Still, I followed it closely.

I also share your contempt for some of the more off-the-wall feuding that goes on here.

That said, chill. It's an online help forum. Topics'll go where they go. Conversations will meander. You can try to keep them focused or reply if part of your question has gone unnoticed as the bickering goes off on a tangent, but to imply that you have any sort of authority over how people will respond to your post (e.g., "speak your peace...then drop it") is just silly. And asking for moderation is a slippery slope.

There are plenty of times when someone on this forum (usually the same person) crosses a line I'd rather they not cross. And sometimes the blowback from others crosses similar lines. But once you open the door to aggressive moderation, you kill the spirit of lively discussion. And I'd rather trudge through a thousands asinine, petty posts than see all the people who participate with passion and perspectives go elsewhere (which would happen).
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Re: Marketability and dogs

Post by Sgphilli85 »

Some of your points are well taken: chilling and relaxing expectations. I miscommunicated about the “speak your peace” part of what I was saying though and it led to a misunderstanding. What I saw was the exact same arguments being repeated over and over again and it was the second time that I’d pointed it out. What I should have said was that that just wasn’t serving anybody or accomplishing anything. I wasn’t trying to claim any authority over anyone here because you’re right that would be ridiculous. Regarding moderation, I don’t exactly share your views about where the line should be drawn as I’ve been a part of great forums (in my opinion) where when an off topic argument totally derailed a thread and/or the original poster said they got what they needed the thread would be closed. Seems to be a reasonable policy to me and not overmoderation, but this isn’t my forum to decide anything of the sort. Just my thoughts on the matter. Thanks for your reply.
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Re: Marketability and dogs

Post by GrumblesMcGee »

Sgphilli85 wrote:
> Some of your points are well taken: chilling and relaxing expectations. I
> miscommunicated about the “speak your peace” part of what I was saying
> though and it led to a misunderstanding. What I saw was the exact same
> arguments being repeated over and over again and it was the second time
> that I’d pointed it out. What I should have said was that that just wasn’t
> serving anybody or accomplishing anything. I wasn’t trying to claim any
> authority over anyone here because you’re right that would be ridiculous.
> Regarding moderation, I don’t exactly share your views about where the line
> should be drawn as I’ve been a part of great forums (in my opinion) where
> when an off topic argument totally derailed a thread and/or the original
> poster said they got what they needed the thread would be closed. Seems to
> be a reasonable policy to me and not overmoderation, but this isn’t my
> forum to decide anything of the sort. Just my thoughts on the matter.
> Thanks for your reply.

You saw what I saw. You're right that the bickering can get childish. So we're on the same page there and we both wish things were different. What I think is unproductive (even counterproductive) is insisting that people return to "the topic" you've chosen and/or encouraging moderation.

I get what you're saying about differing opinions regarding moderation. Every forum has its own culture, and (hopefully) a moderation policy that is both consistent and matches that culture. Here, there is a bit of a Louis Brandeis approach to idiocy: the cure for bad speech is more speech (not censorship). Other places (including other forums you've enjoyed in the past) may work well differently, I'll grant that much. But to suddenly flip a switch here would not (IMHO) be a wise move.

Anyway, back to the topic of marketability and dogs, I'll echo bits of what others have said: don't even bring it up until there's an offer on the table. Do your research on the country (e.g., China is rough with its mandatory quarantines and (IMHO) overall not-so-pet-friendly culture). If there's flexibility in the housing arrangement (i.e. you're not funneled into provided housing), you'll probably be OK most places, but that's the sort of thing you ask about with the recruiter or HR person while mulling over the details of the offer (e.g., "How about pet friendly apartments in the area?" or "Can I talk to any faculty who have dogs about housing?"). Overall, one of the last things you want is to be left haunted by the possibility (however remote) that you overdisclosed your way out of interviews/offers. So you have to be strategic in how you balance being honest/forthcoming with how you market yourself by leaving out potentially negative aspects of your candidacy.
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