Best Job Fair to Land a Tier 1 School

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Post by PsyGuy »


There are costs involved for not attending fairs. SA charges a fee of USD$500 if an IS doesnt attend a fair during a recruiting year.

There are some ISs that were advertising for 2020 vacancies back in 2018. Outliers are not the trend in the data.
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Re: Reply

Post by Heliotrope »

PsyGuy wrote:
> @Heliotrope
> There are costs involved for not attending fairs. SA charges a fee of
> USD$500 if an IS doesnt attend a fair during a recruiting year.
> There are some ISs that were advertising for 2020 vacancies back in 2018.
> Outliers are not the trend in the data.

All the tier 1 schools that attend that fair also attend other SA fairs.
And paying the $500 fee is still cheaper than the cost of attending the fair if you're not open to the possibility of hiring.

Not outliers. Many tier 1 schools publish vacancies very early on, and some others have vacancies that aren't advertised.
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Post by PsyGuy »


ISs attending is not the same as ISs hiring.

Sometimes but the USD$500 fee is entirely lost and wasted if an IS chooses it, so yes a recruiting trip typically costs more, but then an IS can get something of value out of it by attending, even if its just catching up with other recruiters and leadership.

No, its not many vacancies and those are outliers.
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Re: Reply

Post by Heliotrope »

PsyGuy wrote:
> @Heliotrope
> ISs attending is not the same as ISs hiring.
> Sometimes but the USD$500 fee is entirely lost and wasted if an IS chooses
> it, so yes a recruiting trip typically costs more, but then an IS can get
> something of value out of it by attending, even if its just catching up
> with other recruiters and leadership.


No tier 1 school recruiter is going to a fair just to catch up, especially if it really was a dump fair as you say it is. And they would see all these other tier 1 recruiters at the other fairs anyway. There is only a handful of tier 1 schools that aren't going to either the Bangkok or London fair.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Always, no, sometimes.

Yes, recruiters and leadership attend fair to catch up. Some of them attend to go shopping. Some of them go to participate in certain night time social activities.
Fairs occur in different locations, some locations offer different desirable opportunities not available at other locations.
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Re: Reply

Post by Heliotrope »

I've checked for last year, and all the tier 1 schools that attend attended either London or Bangkok last year, or both.
So they can catch up at those fairs. And there are shops in Bangkok and London.
They also don't have the time or resources to waste, but I'm sure you'll disagree.
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Post by PsyGuy »


ISs attending is not the same as ISs hiring.If there gong to SG to recruit why do thy need to go to BKK and LON. They are working those fairs, they are catching up, etc. at SG. recruiters and leadership can do whatever they want with their time, networking is not wasting time its research into what the leaderships opportunities are and whats on trend for the current AY.

Yes, we disagree.
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Re: Reply

Post by Heliotrope »

PsyGuy wrote:
> @Heliotrope
> ISs attending is not the same as ISs hiring.If there gong to SG to recruit
> why do thy need to go to BKK and LON.

Why do they go to two or even three fairs, and not just one?
Because they might not fill all their vacancies at just one fair, and if you can fill a couple of vacancies at Singapore already, that's less stress to fill it at either the BKK or LON fair, or having to settle for a less-than-perfect candidate.
They fact that they go to the Singapore fair means they think they might hire someone there.
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Post by PsyGuy »


They like going to fairs. Why go to fairs at all if your sole goal is to fill vacancies, you can hire everyone you need without stepping foot at a fair.
No it doesnt, that claim isnt true because @Heliotrope claims it to be.
ISs attending is not the same as ISs hiring
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Re: Reply

Post by Heliotrope »

All of the recruiters I know (well, the ones I've talked to about it) enjoy fairs while they're there, but would have rather stayed home, as they have too much work as it is, and not enough time off, especially if they have kids.
But apparently you know other recruiters that have told you differently. So be it. We disagree.

Recruiters go to fairs the same reason ITs go to fairs: it's an efficient way to get a lot of interviews done face-to-face.

Your claims aren't true because @PsyGuy claims they are.
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Post by PsyGuy »


How is one recruiter sitting in a room across from one IT over the course of X time more efficient than one recruiter sitting at one end of a Skype interview with an IT on the other end of that Skype interview, and repeat with successive ITs?
Recruiters and leadership go to fairs because they want to.
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Re: Reply

Post by Heliotrope »

I asked some the same question, as I would certainly prefer Skype over fairs, but recruiters seem to think it's more personal face-to-face, and they think they get a better sense of the candidate. I can see how it might be useful to be at a place with a single mission, and not in your usual environment where other matters might distract you, but being in the same room and shaking someone's hand apparently adds enough for them to go to fairs.
That's also why some schools even fly you over for a face-to-face interview when they're down to the last 2 or 3 candidates for a job, even if you've already visited their campus. Happened to me.
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Post by PsyGuy »


All of those rationals you describe are wants, and thus they want to be at the fair.
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Re: Reply

Post by Heliotrope »

Yes, duh, that's what I've been saying all along: they go the fairs to hire.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Yes, thats what you have been stating and Ive been stating they go to this fair not to hire but for other reasons they want to.
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