Bangkok Pollution

teacher tan
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Re: Bangkok Pollution

Post by teacher tan »

It's 93, moderate. Source: US embassy
What's yours?
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Re: Bangkok Pollution

Post by vandsmith »

teacher tan wrote:
> @vsmith
> It's 93, moderate. Source: US embassy
> What's yours?

i used

well, it's now at 82. when i posted earlier it was 114, maybe it was morning where i am, maybe several hours behind bangkok. i guess perhaps it's night there now.

in any case, i only meant to get the original question back on track.

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Post by PsyGuy »

I use aqicn as well, as opposed to the embassy, since the aqi map gives a better picture of the aq differentiation instead of a composite index.


I claim to have a doctorate because i do.

@Thames Pirate

I only post from experience, research, and trusted and reliable sources. I dont need to fake being an academic I am one. I comment on places Ive lived because Ive lived there.
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Re: Bangkok Pollution

Post by Heliotrope »

To get a better idea about what to expect, join a Bangkok expat group on Facebook, and ask seasoned Bangkok expats how their experience has been with a young child and a mildly asthmatic adult. They might be able to give you a good idea of what to expect (you can't always equate their experience to what you will, but it'll give you an idea), and perhaps they can recommend certain areas of the city to live where it's slightly less of a burden.

Re: Bangkok Pollution

Post by Illiane_Blues »

Too bad I've been away from the forum for a few weeks, because I actually do know the ranking for teachers. It's:

1 - Japan / Thailand
2 - China (incl. Hong Kong & Macau)
3 - Singapore
4 - Vietnam
5 - South Korea
6 - Malaysia
7 - Taiwan
8 - Indonesia

The rest of the countries are basically all tied for last place.

And as far as Bangkok pollution is concerned, I would inquire further elsewhere as suggested, and not base my decision on a few contributions on this forum. Go for feedback from Bangkok expats. Internations would be good place to get advice.
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Re: Bangkok Pollution

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

Illiane_Blues wrote:
> Too bad I've been away from the forum for a few weeks, because I actually do know
> the ranking for teachers. It's:
> 1 - Japan / Thailand
> 2 - China (incl. Hong Kong & Macau)
> 3 - Singapore
> 4 - Vietnam
> 5 - South Korea
> 6 - Malaysia
> 7 - Taiwan
> 8 - Indonesia
> The rest of the countries are basically all tied for last place
I accept your list but I also accept the challenge of proving that even though Thailand is tied for first, it is still somehow firmly in the middle of the desirability rankings. I shall consult my statistical manual, my thesaurus, the all-knowing Google, confer, converse, and otherwise hob-nob with my brother wizards and return with a 5000 word post sure to dazzle and baffle mere mortals into agreement with me.
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Post by PsyGuy »


I know the desirability index of ITs in Asia, and your list is wrong, the correct list for reference is:

1) Japan
2) Hong Kong
3) South Korea / Thailand
4) Indonesia (Bali)
5) Singapore
6) Malaysia
7) Taiwan
8) Vietnam / Philippines
9) China
10) Myanmar
11) Laos / Cambodia
Thames Pirate
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Re: Bangkok Pollution

Post by Thames Pirate »

Sure, because there is data from trusted sources--you know, from the last time someone conducted a viable survey and published it in a research journal.

You just didn't know about the recent study that showed the flaws in the old data or the new work by renowned researcher Ben Dover and his associate Mr. Dylan that demonstrated that times, they are a changin.
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Re: Bangkok Pollution

Post by Overhere »

There has to be a SNL skit in here somewhere.
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Post by PsyGuy »

@Thames Pirate

We disagree, my data is current, Mr. Dylan and Mr. Dover are in error.

Re: Bangkok Pollution

Post by Illiane_Blues »

No, you're wrong. I know the desirability index of ITs in Asia, and your list is wrong. See my list for the correct one.
My data is current.

Re: Bangkok Pollution

Post by Illiane_Blues »

'Ben Dover', haha!
Thames Pirate
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Re: Bangkok Pollution

Post by Thames Pirate »

Illiane_Blues wrote:
> 'Ben Dover', haha!

He's on the airport "don't page this name" list. Along with a great many others, of course.

Here is my source on the groundbreaking new research:
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Re: Bangkok Pollution

Post by shadowjack »

Personally, I only think China is up there because people like the food. If they didn't, why are there so many Chinese restaurants all over the world? Apropos of nothing - there is not a lot of popcorn in China. But you can get Pocky! Lots and lots of flavors!!!!
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Post by PsyGuy »


We disagree


Dont forget the pandas.
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