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how long to decide after an offer is made?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 1:28 pm
by shopaholic
How long is generally allowed to decide after an offer is made following a Skype interview?

I am interviewing for a third time with another school later tonight: I really am interested in this second school, but I'm not sure and need some time to think. I am registered for the fair in January.

Would the school be likely to make an offer before the fair, or will they want to do so at the fair (good, because then I can have a chance to interview other places)? If they make the offer tonight/tomorrow, how long can I ask to wait?

What is the longest you were given to decide?

Re: how long to decide after an offer is made?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 10:02 pm
by sid
If they want you, they’ll offer before the fair and expect an answer before the fair.
Decision time is usually 24 hours during a fair. Outside a fair, it’s more typically 48 hours to one week. But it can be whatever the school offers or agrees to. Schools have competing interests here: they want people to be happy about their decisions (suggests they should allow you some time), and they also want to feel that you’re eager (suggests you shouldn’t need time), and they also need to move on to the next candidate if you aren’t interested (suggests they need a quick decision). It’s all a balancing act.

Re: how long to decide after an offer is made?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 10:06 pm
by National
It really depends on the school.

This recruitment cycle we were given 48 hours by one school and 5 days by another school (who then told us they would be willing to extend it to 7 days if we required it). Both of the offers were made during Skype interviews. The better school gave us longer (and is the one we accepted). I felt like the school that gave us 48 hours was trying to rush and pressure us into accepting because they knew their contract and reputation wasn't great. I think most schools give in the 5-7 day range -- they need to set reasonable limits because they often have other candidates they want to offer to if you turn them down. I have heard up to 2 weeks being offered by some schools.

If the school you are Skyping with wants you and is on the third interview, they will likely offer now rather than waiting for the fair.

At the fair, things are usually much more condensed and offers will usually need to be accepted within 24 hours in order for the schools to offer to others if you pass.


Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 11:47 pm
by PsyGuy
The rule is when an IS wants you, they act like they really want you.
For a Skype interview usually at least a day, and often a couple days or a weekend, but up to a week isnt uncommon either. They will want to know before the fair though given this time in recruiting. Be very careful how long you wait if the fair starts, they will interview others, and you may come back with a response to find out they offered it to someone else.
During the fair decision times can be anywhere from none (you have to decide now) to at most a day, but a few hours is much more common.

Re: how long to decide after an offer is made?

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 8:15 am
by shadowjack
If you have an offer from one school and are interested in the other, contact them and let them know you have an offer. We had a few offers come in right before Christmas and one gave a specific term limit, the others did not, just a 'reasonable' time period to respond.