Vacancy follow up? Opinions needed

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Vacancy follow up? Opinions needed

Post by Lmartin106 »

Can a newbie here get your expert opinions?

I applied for a high school math position in Vietnam through Schrole. It's a school and country at the top of my wish list. No response from the school yet and the closing deadline on the posting has been extended several times since I applied. I have no IT experience, master’s degree, 15 years of math teaching in the US (AP not IB), a non-teaching trailing spouse + 2 school aged kids. I realize I’m a risky and expensive hire.

Here’s my question…should I email the principal directly outside of Schrole and offer to pay for airfare for my dependents? I don’t want to appear desperate. But I do want to show that I’m eager and flexible and possibly get a second glance to my resume. Is this too forward and possibly annoying, especially so early in the hiring season?

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Re: Vacancy follow up? Opinions needed

Post by expatscot »

At this stage, don't offer anything.

I'd email and ask what was happening. But, TBH, they've either had few applications and are waiting for more, or you have been passed over. Sadly many schools don't seem to have the savvy to send out a blanket email to all unsuccessful applicants, even though it is a quick and easy thing to do.
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Re: Vacancy follow up? Opinions needed

Post by seinfeld »

Most of the time you won't receive anything back if you're not the perfect match. Sadly that's the way it goes. No harm sending the email but don't plead or bargain just inquire about the status of your application and mention you need to start knowing where you stand as it's coming up to crunch time.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Do you want to sound naive and desperate? Not the greatest position going into an IS. Aside from that if its any type of reputable IS you cant do that. If youre an OSH hire you get the OSH benefits approved by ownership. The best you could MAYBE do is offer to be an LH hire, but that means you dont get anything in the range of relocation, housing and probably even tuition waivers/places. Thats the real expense against you, its the two places for your children at an average of USD$10K each. Even then the IS might not provide additional airfare, so offering to absorb that expense yourself may be the expectation to begin with.

Its likely at this point (which is still early) to get a reply if you arent a super star IT, either that or they just arent interested, likely because you are too expensive.
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