How long does the application process take

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How long does the application process take

Post by usartteacher »

Hi folks,
I'm a career changer new to teaching art to children (though I taught college level part time and have industry-related experience). I registered for Search and ISS last week and have started applying to schools. I plan to attend the ISS fair and have requested an invite to the Search fair (still waiting for my Associate to get back to me on whether they will give me an invite considering I don't have the minimum 2 year experience).
Normally, how long do you think it takes new teachers to secure offers? I'm open to anywhere except China and the middle east (which I realize is limiting me a little). Also, are schools generally quick (1-2 weeks) at responding to applications?
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Re: How long does the application process take

Post by mamava »

Interviewing and hiring is going on now and will continue through probably end of February. The bulk of the hiring is usually done in that space of time...but things come up and there are situations that mean the hiring time goes past February. How successful you might be would depend on your position and your situation--if I were a family with kids, I'd be more worried if I didn't have job in Feb. than if I were a single--just because there are more things to consider.
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Re: How long does the application process take

Post by mamava »

Sorry--another post. If you are a hot ticket, you'll hear back generally pretty quickly. Not sure why you're excluding China and the ME. We LOVED China--we did 2 years in Saudi and it was not great, but we needed that time to make a career change, so we knew we were only going to be there for a short time--it was worth it for the $$.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Early recruiting starts around the end of October until early January which starts the trinity of the mega fairs and that month is peak recruiting. Once we move into February it slows down for the spectrum of recruiting with an increase in third tier recruiting (they know they cant compete with upper tier ISs and desirable regions). there is then another increase in recruiting activity around Spring/may when the EU ISs increase recruiting with the end of their AY.
Its really too early for an intern/entry class IT, ISs and recruiters have large candidate pools and options, they simply arent desperate yet. The lower tier ISs are hoping and waiting to see whats available after BKK and LON to see if they can get lucky (the IT that passes on a better tier offer in favor of a high desire region/location, then finds themselves with neither). I wouldnt expect offers to be available for you until January/February.

The rule is when an IS wants you they act like they want you. What you see is two stages in recruiting. The first stage is screening, its slow thats when the IS is building the recruitment pool. The second stag is selection, thats when your negotiating the offer and talking to the executive members of leadership, its when things happen fast and quickly.

When it comes to applications. You either get nothing of an acknowledgment or you get a form response within a day (often within minutes). Screening can take days too weeks too months, some ISs will state a date in the vacancy that if you do not receive contact within or by X time your application is unsuccessful. Some ISs will send a form email when the vacancy fills, and some ISs you never hear anything from either way.
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Re: How long does the application process take

Post by shadowjack »

usaartteacher - for you, it will be awhile. Yes, you have industry experience, yes, you have taught older (college) students, but you have no IB experience and no experience teaching Art at the ES/MS/HS level. Your CV will go on file and you might be contacted AFTER the fair, or when you go the fair you may (or may not) get interviews. The teachers' lounge at a fair is an interesting place indeed. Some teachers really do get zero interviews.

Eventually things fall into place, but usually later in the year. At the same time, I have colleagues in other areas who have already interviewed with three schools, but no offers and it looks like a fair for them. Mileages vary - they are in high needs, but not the IBDP Physics/Chemistry/Maths area.
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Post by PsyGuy »


@SJs comment is one of the factors for my comment in an earlier post that two fairs and agencies was overkill. You may very well be one of those ITs that on noon after signup finds themselves with no interviews at all. Just sitting in the teacher lounge looking at the folders hoping someone puts something in yours, checking your email constantly looking at your phone. ISs and regions you wouldnt consider before you are now sending off an application too in hopes that youll at least get some interview experience, reliving the signup process where you waited in line at the couple of ISs with vacancies and not even getting to finish your greeting they hand your resume back "Sorry not this time". That can be devastating, ITs have crashed into fits of crying.
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