Do teaching couples pay the Search fee twice?

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Do teaching couples pay the Search fee twice?

Post by Nutella »

That's what it looks like, from what I read on their site.

Is it worth is to pay the $450 when we have 3 kids? It would be a hardship so if we are long shots I'm thinking we might be better off sticking with TIE. We both teach social studies (world and US history, geography, psychology, economics, civics) though I can also teach English, drama, and French. We both have over 6 years experience. Neither of us has taught abroad, but I graduated from an IB program in France, many years ago. Neither of us has hit any age restriction that I've seen.

We're willing to teach outside of Europe but there are some areas we wouldn't go, like the ME. Ultimately one big consideration is going to be whether the location is kid friendly.

Thanks for any insights!
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Re: Do teaching couples pay the Search fee twice?

Post by Heimtun »

Yes, the Search fee is per person. Are you looking for jobs for Fall 2017? If so, you are likely too late to start the process of signing up with Search, so TIE would be the way to go. If you're looking for the future--There will be plenty of people here that will tell you you'll never be hired with 3 children, but I say go for it. We have three children, and because we decided at the last minute to attend a fair, we ended up going to the UNI Fair, which is in Iowa in the US. It sounds like you're in Europe; not sure if there are avenues outside of Search/ISS when you're in other countries, but Search is worth a shot. At the fair we attended, we were hired at a top notch IB school with a wonderful community; we are now in our second year and have signed on for another year here. I think the likelihood of staying in Europe will be smaller; there are far fewer schools that will hire larger families, but there are still plenty of options outside ME (which is the one region I wouldn't consider as well). Good luck--if you have teaching abroad firmly in your sights, you can make it happen.
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Re: Do teaching couples pay the Search fee twice?

Post by scribe »

If you are located in Europe, consider using CIS ( - as per law, they do not charge any fees at all and I believe co-sponsor one large fair per year with either ISS or Search
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Re: Do teaching couples pay the Search fee twice?

Post by Nutella »

Hi and thank you for the replies!

No, we are not in Europe. I just meant we aren't deluding ourselves into thinking we can just waltz into a European position (which is something I've seen a lot of people without international teaching experience think is is easy to do).

It's frustrating to hear that we are already too late for Search, but not all that surprising.

Is it too late for UNI? I don't know if we could swing a trip to Iowa. Do they do recruitment outside of their fair? Are they the ones who serve South America, primarily?

We are on TIE, so I'll continue to use their service.

I'm a little worried that the schools on TIE seem to usually be schools that aren't even reviewed here on ISR. Is that a function of their newness?
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Post by PsyGuy »

You can choose to pay the registration fees twice, but you dont have too. You are both in the same field with similar resumes, I wouldnt. Unless you are going to a recruiting event you will have the same access to the jobs database. Even if you do go to a recruiting event your non-registered spouse can accompany you, and should an IS have dual vacancies you can then ask them before the interview about the spouse accompanying you. Aside from that the database is the gold ring, and paying twice wont change that.

Your biggest concern is that you really need two appointments because an IS isnt going to pay for 5 travelers to fill one social studies classroom. Even with 2 of you three kids will be a logistical difficulty, especially if all of your children are school age.

I disagree with @Heimtun its not too late for SA yet, bu it will largely depend on how fast your references can and do respond. The application is a few hours, and then submitting payment (if required) can take a few days to a week. If your references turn around your referrals quickly than you can be ready by January for a fair. Start now and you can be ready by January if your references will follow up quickly.

CIS is free and their fair coincides with the SA LON fair, its what makes the event a mega fair, and CIS is free (regardless of location) , though you wont get as large or as much variety in locations and vacancies.

Its not too late for UNI, but I wouldnt recommend it, you just wont be marketable to many of their ISs with your family size, they just wont be able to afford you unless they have dual vacancies which would be uncommon in social studies. Unless your strongly interested in the LCSA area, youd be better off at BOS or SF with SA than UNI.
Paying for the UNI fair allows you access to their ISs jobs database, but those ISs advertise as much on TIE, etc, youd just see a lot of duplicate vacancies.

No its a function of their tier, most of the ISs on TIE are smaller lower tier ISs, that keep a low profile. You also see the bottom tier ISs that do have dozens of vacancies and have reviews.
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Re: Do teaching couples pay the Search fee twice?

Post by Overhere »

> I disagree with @Heimtun its not too late for SA yet, bu it will largely depend on
> how fast your references can and do respond.

But will the fairs still be open, thats the question.
> Its not too late for UNI, but I wouldnt recommend it, you just wont be marketable
> to many of their ISs with your family size, they just wont be able to afford you

Atteneded UNI twice with three kids and came away both times with jobs. It is a well supported, well run fair with lots going for it.
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Re: Do teaching couples pay the Search fee twice?

Post by chilagringa »

I don't think it's THAT hard to find two Social Studies positions. After all, there are a lot of Social Studies teachers in a school. If you're good, there are lots of options. I know two excellent SS teachers (a couple) that got hired for two SS positions at a school that you guys consistently rank among the top in the world. They also have children (two, though, which might make a difference). However, they are IB experienced and trained.
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Re: Do teaching couples pay the Search fee twice?

Post by Heimtun »

@overhere has a good point--lack of availability at the Cambridge fair was the reason we ended up in Iowa (and like @overhere, we were also hired at a great school despite having three dependents). Plenty of top notch to very worthwhile schools attend the UNI Fair; if you can brave northern Iowa in the winter for a few days, I think that is your best bet. Keep us posted...
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Re: Do teaching couples pay the Search fee twice?

Post by Nutella »

Thanks again, everyone.

I was thinking I'd probably end up teaching drama or English, maybe even French (I am credentialed for all of them, have 3 years experience with English, 9 with drama, and none with French), while my husband would have a social studies position. It also help that sometimes schools will have a psychology and a history position open, or geography and another social studies. I wish either of us felt more confident teaching economics, tbh. There seem to be a lot of those positions open, but despite being credentialed in it (and having scored highest in it when I took my CSET) neither I nor my husband feel like we would be comfortable teaching it.

You all have given me some things to think about and I'm going to talk to my husband about SA and UNI.
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Post by PsyGuy »


It depends, BOS has rarely been difficult to get into, but yes its going to be harder getting into an earlier fair, but the sooner the better and many appointments are made outside of the fairs altogether.

No its not, UNI is a noob fair for hardship regions focusing on the LCSA with some asian and ME ISs and a few other ISs. Its well organized but the career services dept has the facilities and resources of a whole Uni behind them, its a conference and UNIs do conferences all the time.


its exponentially harder to find the same IS with two vacancies at the same time than it is one vacancy. Everyone "knows someone" who is the exception.


No UNI isnt, no one would equivocate UNI with BKK and BOS is better than UNI.


That is a much more marketable combination, your spouse in SS, and you in Lit./Drama. While a French ASP is doable, there isnt any desperation for a single language FL IT, especially in a common language such as French.
Another option for the two of you to consider is to look at different ISs that are in the same city and location.

Economics isnt that difficult a subject, you could pick up an economics for dummies/idiots book and be fine.

UNI has a lot of psychology going against you, theres a lot of pressure to come away with something, because its a one hit event, and the database access is very poor. Within the UNI fair its a lot of lower tier ISs in hardship locations.
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